Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Five Days International Workshop on Photonics And Optoelectronics Devices Organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Online Short-Term Course on Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications Organized by National Institute of Technology Warangal & JNTUH

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Information Technology Research Scenario” (RTITRS-2022) Organized by Bharathiar University

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Online Faculty Development Programme on Industry 4.0 Technologies: Applications in Manufacturing Supply Chain

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Self-Financed Online STTP on Research Methodologies and Scientific Research Writing using LaTeX organized by National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

FDP on Satellite image analysis and applications using deep learning Organized by NITK Surathkal

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Two days International Webinar on Innovations in Biotechnology: Virus, Vaccine and Public Health

National Institute of Technology, Agartala Organize Two days International Webinar on Innovations in Biotechnology: Virus, Vaccine and Public Health

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology Self Sponsored Course STC On Robotics and Automation-2021

Self Sponsored Course Short Term Course (STC) On Robotics and Automation-2021 Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SLIET, Longowal

IIM Bangalore’s DCAL workshops on Machine Learning using Julia and Natural Language Processing

IIM Bangalore’s Data Centre & Analytics Lab to host workshops on Machine Learning using Julia and Natural Language Processing

NIT Warangal organizes Online Short Term Course on Software Testing Tools

NIT Warangal Five Day Short Term Training Programme Online Short Term Course on Software Testing Tools

Latest News

I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Technical Assistant Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Assistant post