Thursday, March 27, 2025


Central University of Tamil Nadu Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow under ANRF – Sponsored Core Research Project

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute Of Technology Online Applications are Invited from Motivated and Eligible Candidates for The Position of A Junior Research...

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position

Anna University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Research personnel (Project Associate-I) Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Research personnel (Project Associate-I) post

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Applications are invited for a position of Postdoctoral Fellow position in Synthesis of Self- assembled Hydrogels

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Postdoctoral Fellow position

Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology (CIPET) SARP-ARSTPS invites outstanding and enthusiastic researchers for the following position

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Project Associate post

Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology invites applications for the following Postdoc Fellow / Research Engineer/ Research Associate posts (on contract basis)

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Postdoc Fellow / Research Engineer/ Research Associate for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Invites Application for the Postdoctoral Position on Stem Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Postdoctoral Position

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi Invites Application for the Post of Project Associate/ Junior Research Fellow Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Associate/ Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies

CIPET : School for Advanced Research in Petrochemicals ARSTP invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the Project Assistant and...

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Assistant and Project Associate for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Applications are invited from bright, sincere candidates for the positions of Research Associate (RA) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Research Associate (RA) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for the following vacancies

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I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Technical Assistant Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Assistant post