Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Two Day Faculty Development Programme on 3D Interactions Design in Virtual Reality Organized by TRhiagarajar College of Engineering

Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai, an autonomousinstitution affiliated to Anna University, is one among the several educational and philanthropic institutions founded by the philanthropist and industrialist Late. Shri. Karumuttu Thiagarajan Chettiar☆ TCE was established in the year 1957☆...

Two Days Online International FDP Multi-Objective Optimization For a Real time Research Problems organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering

Two Days Online International FDP Multi-Objective Optimization For a Real time Research Problems organized by Department Of Information Technology

Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) On AI & Machine Learning for Computer Vision Applications

Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) ON AI & Machine Learning for Computer Vision Applications

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Two Weeks Short Term Course on “Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contract Programming

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Online Faculty Development Programme On Advanced Bio-Informatics Organized by University College of Engineering BIT Campus

Online FDP by E & ICT Academy, National Institute of Technology, Warangal in association with University College of Engineering, BIT Campus Anna University

Self Financed Course-cum Workshop on Photonics Principles and Optical Networks

Self Financed Course-cum Workshop on Photonics Principles and Optical Networks (PPON-2021) Nov 19-21, 2021

One-Week Course on “One-Week Science & Technology Awareness Week for Higher Secondary Students

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Online Workshop Smart City Innovative Technologies organized by Indian Institute of Technology Patna

Indian Institute of Technology Patna (R&D Unit: Smart-City Research Group)  Organized Online Workshop Smart-City: Innovative Technologies  November 05-07, 2021

Workshop on Familiarization, Handling and Training on Sophisticated Analytical and Energy Audit Instruments for Engineers

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following workshop

Online Short Term Training Programme On ‘Architectural Design Softwares–II Organized by MANIT

Online Short Term Training Programme Organized by Department of Architecture and Planning Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal- 462003

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I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Technical Assistant Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Assistant post