Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Workshop on Familiarization, Handling and Training on Sophisticated Analytical and Energy Audit Instruments for Engineers

Must Read

The National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (formerly known as Regional Engineering College, Trichy) is situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu on the banks of river Cauvery. Since its inception in 1964, it has established itself as a premier institute imparting quality technical education and engaged in research and development in different fields. The institute offers ten Undergraduate programmes and twenty-seven Post Graduate programmes in Science, Engineering & Technology, besides M.S. (by Research) and Ph.D. in all the departments. NIT Trichy is located about 22 km from Tiruchirappalli Junction / Central Bus stand on the Trichy Thanjavur Highway. Department of Energy and Environment (DEE herein, formerly known as CEESAT) was established in 1995 under the UK India REC project. MTech. (Energy Engg.), an interdisciplinary full-time programme is offered since 1996. The research and development activities of DEE include CO2 capture and sequestration, effluent treatment using solar energy / phytoremediation, energy modeling, Coal and biomass conversion, wind energy, Solar PV/ Thermal systems, energy-efficient building, and energy storage devices. The department is committed to convert its research into a real-time technology transfer to the society and industry where it meets out its ultimate objective.


‘KARYASHALA’ is aimed to provide hands-on experience to
the students primarily from universities, colleges, private
academic institutions and newly established institutes in
handling / troubleshooting of high-end scientific instruments and
such skill development on themes required for research work.
The program is meant to support motivated PG and Ph.D. level
students, who are having a strong willingness to get excel in their
scientific and engineering research pursuits.

Event Introduction

Familiarization, Handling and Training on Sophisticated Analytical and Energy Audit Instruments for Engineers (Virtual Mode) (Under the KARYASHALA Scheme-ASERB initiative) October 18th-24th 2021 Funded By Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme Organized by Department of Energy and Environment, National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappalli

Following are the objectives of this high end workshop:
Theoretical background and familiarization of the
sophisticated analytical and energy audit instruments.
Hands-on training on sample preparation for testing in the
analytical instruments.
Exposure to handling, troubleshooting, and first step
maintenance of the analytical and energy audit instruments.
Data analysis and interpretation of results obtained from the

Sessions from skilled experts

  • PerkinElmer: DSC, FT-IR, NIR, TGA, TGIR, CHNO Analyzer
    • DEE: Energy Audit & Calibration Session
  • Tech Science & Global: ECM/Solar Simulator, Bomb Calorimeter, TOC
  • Metrohm: Moisture Analyzer/Ion Chromatography
  • Academicians from reputed institutions

Who can Apply?

Karyashala is open to research scholars/ postgraduate students from all Institutes, Colleges and Universities who want to develop hands-on expertise/skill to handle sophisticated analytical and energy audit instruments. There is no registration fees. Limited seats are available, Allotment will be on first come first serve basis.

Registration Fee

◆ There is no registration fees

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

For further queries contact: +91 6260540607
Email: [email protected]


Procedure for Registration
  • Fill in Applicants Information, Personal Information, Institutional Information, Email, Contact Number and Corresponding Address.
  • The Star Marked details are mandatory (*).
  • Check Summary Page before submission.

Important Date

  • Event date October 18-24, 2021
  • Last date of Registration October 10th, 2021

For Additional Information

One Week Programme on Familiarization, Handling and Training on Sophisticated Analytical and Energy Audit Instruments for Engineers (Virtual Mode)

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tanjore Main Road, NH67, near BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620015


  • One Week Online Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • Learn About Training on Sophisticated Analytical and Energy Audit Instruments
  • One Week Short-Term Course for UG/PG students, faculty, Research scholars Ph.D. students, R&D/Industry personnel

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