Saturday, March 29, 2025

Project Fellow

University of Delhi Applications are invited for a research fellow position in the DRDO funded project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Fellow for the following vacancies

National Institute of Technology Rourkela Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-II Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-II for the following vacancies

National Institute of Technology Srinagar Application for the Position of CRS Project Fellow under UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata Center) Funded Project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Research Fellow for the following vacancies

National Institute of Technology Karnataka Applications are invited from the interested candidates for the post of project assistant to work on the R&D project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Assistant for the following vacancies

National Institute Of Technology, Silchar Applications are invited from Indian citizens for a temporary of post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) for the NMHS...

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) for the following vacancies

National Institute of Technology Silchar Applications are invited from Indian citizens for a temporary post of Project Associate-I

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Associate-I for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Project Assistant Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Assistant for the following vacancies

Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology Invites Application for the Post of Project Associate-I and Project Assistant

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Associate-I and Project Assistant for the following vacancies

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Invites Application for the Post of Graphic Designer/ Hardware & Network Assistant/ Project Associates/ Consultants / Project...

Vacancy for Graphic Designer/ Hardware & Network Assistant/ Project Associates/ Consultants / Project Coordinator/ Project Assistant

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Invites Application for the Post of INSA- JRD Tata Fellowship Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the INSA- JRD Tata Fellowship post

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I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Technical Assistant Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Assistant post