Saturday, February 22, 2025

Environmental Science

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal Applications are invited for the post of “Project Scientist-I” for a research project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Scientist-I for the following vacancies

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education ICFRE Walk in Interview for the Post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) /Project Assistant(PA) /Field Assistant...

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) /Project Assistant(PA) /Field Assistant (FA) for the following vacancies

G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment Applications are invited for the following post of Junior Project Fellow Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Project Fellow for the following vacancies

National Institute of Technology Silchar Applications are invited from Indian citizens for a temporary of post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) for the NMHS...

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) for the following vacancies

Tamil Nadu State Wetland Authority Applications are invited for the following Technical Staffs on purely temporary and contractual basis

GIS Expert/ Environmental Science Expert/ Climate Expert/ Hydrology Consultant/ Civil Engineer/ Geologist/ Economist/ Life Sciences Professional/ Fisheries Expert/ Technical Assistant/ System Analyst/ Data Entry Operator/ Legal Expert/ Accountant

National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management Invites Application for the Post of Senior Research Fellow

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Senior Research Fellow for the following vacancies

Central University of Jharkhand Invites Application for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow /Project Associate-I (PA) in a SERB sponsored research project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Associate-I (PA) for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Applications are invited from Indian citizen for the Technical Assistant (TA) position for Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Technical Assistant (TA) for the following vacancies

Institute of Rural Management Anand invited Applications for the following post of Research Associates Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Research Associates for the following vacancies

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education invites Application for the Post of Research Associate-III (RA-III)/ Field Assistant (FA)/ Junior Project Fellow

A Walk-in-interview is invited for recruitment of following purely project based temporary position under the following projects

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Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar Applications from the interested and motivated candidates are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) sanctioned on...

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position