Monday, February 24, 2025

Electronics Engineering

Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on the project

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Technology Patna Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post of Junior Research Fellow Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies

Raman Research Institute Applications are invited for the Post of Research Assistant (RA) on a temporary basis for the electronics and technical work...

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Research Assistant for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Junior Research Fellow Recruitment

Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies

Indian Institute of Science (IISc) invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Python programmer Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Python programmer post

IIT Palakkad announces a national website design competition and invites designers to demonstrate their best creative website designs

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following competition

Anna University Applications are invited from eligible interested candidates for the post of Project Associate -1 Recruitment

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Project Associate post

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Various Technical and Resource person Recruitment

Vacancy for the Post of Assistant Programmer/ Assistant Network Engineer / Senior Programmer/ Network Specialists/ System Analyst/ Chief Resource Person / Senior Resource person / Resource Person / Network Administrator/ Senior Resource Person

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology Applications are invited for the Post of Junior Research Fellow and Assistant on contractual basis in...

Applications are invited for engagement of Junior Research Fellow and Assistant on contractual basis in the DST- TAP Project.

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Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar Applications from the interested and motivated candidates are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) sanctioned on...

Applications are invited from highly motivated and dynamic eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position