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Self-sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP)/ Short Term Course on “FEM and Modal Analysis in Engineering” (FEMMAE-21)

Must Read

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology was established in the year 1987 as Regional Engineering College and was given the status of National Institute of Technology (Deemed University) by the Government of India on October 17, 2002 under the aegis of Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), New Delhi. Now the Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), Government of India has declared the Institute as “Institute of National Importance” under the act of Parliament-2007. A large number of reputed Industrial houses in the country visit the Institution and select the final year students as Engineers/ Management Trainees. As one of the National Institutes of Technology (NIT), the Institute has the responsibility of providing high quality education in Engineering, Technology and Sciences to produce competent technical and scientific manpower for the country. The Institute offers BTech, MTech, MSc, MBA and PhD programmes in the several disciplines of Engineering, Technology and Sciences.

Course Description

Exposing the participants to need of computational approach and scope of FEM solutions. Fundamental implementation concepts in FEM, weighted residual methods/ weak form formulations, application in engineering problems. Explore non-linear FEM, solution methodology by non – linear FEM and case study of practical engineering problems that arise in different domain namely structural analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, vibrations, etc.

Finite Element Method (FEM) is the most powerful method for the analysis of engineering problems. It is capable of handling geometry complicated domains, a variety of boundary conditions, non-linearity and coupled phenomenon those are common in real life problems. The physical knowledge of method enhances the analysis skill and provides a greater understanding of the problems being solves. Commercial software packages based on the finite element method are often used in industrial, research and academic institutions for the solution of engineering and scientific problems related to solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and structural dynamics. The intelligent use of these software packages and correct interpretation of the output is often predicted on knowledge of the basic concept of FEM.

Modal analysis is the study to predict and measure the dynamic characteristics of a structure. The spatial model, modal-model and a response model can be measured by using the experimental modal analysis technique. Finite element method is one of the important tools to predict the above models. Experimental modal analysis is carried out by using the transducers and the FFT analyzers. FEM and experimental modal analysis results are compared and the discrepancies between the results may be reduced by using the finite element model updating techniques. Nowadays the application of the finite element model updating technique is widely used in the aerospace industry, automobile industry, electronics etc.

Course Introduction

Self-sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP)/ Short Term Course on “FEM and Modal Analysis in Engineering” (FEMMAE-21) 24th –28th December, 2021 Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar-144011 Punjab

This course will be particularly beneficial for engineering students, engineers and scientists working in various institutions. At the end of the course, participants may be in position to identify and select appropriate finite element methodologies for specific conditions.

Participants are requested to keep Laptops for better learning experience during practice sessions on ABAQUS, ANSYS and MATLAB Software

Topics to be Covered

📎 Fundamental of FEM and FEM for solid mechanics problems.
📎 FEM for solid mechanics problems (1D and 2D) and Non Linear solid mechanics problem Using ABAQUS/ ANSYS
📎 FEM for Impact and contact Mechanics problems.
📎 FEM for Composite Material and MICRO FEM of Composite and its application using ABAQUS/ANSYS.
📎 Introduction to Non Linear FEM (Elesto-plasto non-linear FEM)
📎 Fundamental of Modal Analysis and its applications
📎 State Space Methods for Modal Analysis
📎 Introduction to Modal Testing and Applications using

The course will also provide a thorough idea of the Finite Element Method (FEM) from the fundamental concepts to more advanced topics to the participants which will help them to write their own codes and implement these novel methods to solve numeric simulations. At the end of this course, the participants will be in a position to identify and select appropriate finite element methodologies for specific conditions. Also, the participates will be able to predict the natural frequencies and viscous damping coefficient of structures by plotting the frequency response function (FRF) curve. However, the information regarding the mode shapes of the structure will also guide the participants to locate the exact position of the transducers on the complex structures.

Who can Apply?

This course on “FEM and Modal Analysis in Engineering” is open to the faculty members, students from Engineering Institutes/ Colleges/ Polytechnics and Practicing Engineers and Researchers from Industries and R&D institutions

Course Registration Fee

For NIT Jalandhar Rs 700/-
Outside NIT Jalandhar Rs 850/- Including GST @18%

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

Link for the Online Registration and Payment: Please register online or before December 20th , 2021. Applications will be considered on first- come, first served basis (date of receipt of registration ).

Preference will be given to faculty members, research scholars and people from industry. Maximum number of participants allowed for this course will be 75. You are requested to mail the registration slip with complete information to Dr. Manoj Kumar and Dr. Ashok Kumar

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is December 20th , 2021
  • Course Duration 24th –28th December, 2021

For Additional Information

Self-sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP)/ Short Term Course on “FEM and Modal Analysis in Engineering” (FEMMAE-21) 24th –28th December, 2021 Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar-144011 Punjab

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Grand Trunk Road, Barnala – Amritsar Bypass Rd, Jalandhar, Punjab 144011


  • One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP)/ Short Term Course program Organized by Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar
  • Learn About FEM and Modal Analysis in Engineering
  • One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP)/ Short Term Course for Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees

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