Sunday, March 30, 2025

Weekend Online Certification Program on Business Analytics and Data Mining

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Course Description

Indian Statistical Institute Organized Weekend Online Certification Program on Business Analytics and Data Mining

Business analytics refers to the skills, technologies and practices for continuous, iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. Data mining is the set of methods and techniques for exploring and analyzing large data sets, in an automatic or semi-automatic way, in order to find among these data certain unknown or hidden rules, association or tendencies that could
be used to enhance business performance. Both the topics require analysis of data using statistical, machine learning and other quantitative techniques using various software.

This program is planned to impart problem formulation and data analysis skills to the participants using appropriate statistical and machine learning techniques. The program focuses on practical applications to enable participants to solve real problems.

Course Introduction

This program is designed to guide business analytics and data mining professionals in extracting implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful knowledge from large data sets. Practical data analysis including insight development, data cleaning, and building predictive and explanatory models in R using statistical and machine learning techniques
will be covered in detail.

Course Benefits

The participants will acquire knowledge on various statistical and analytical techniques required to carry out business analytics and data mining tasks effectively. All the topics will be covered using R-studio and MS-Excel.

Topics to be Covered

This programme will cover the following topics:
◆ Module – 1: Introduction − Basic Concepts, Descriptive Statistics and
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).
◆ Module – 2: Basics of Explanatory and Predictive Analytics, Estimation and Hypothesis Testing, and Concepts of Machine Learning (ML).
◆ Module – 3: Prediction Modeling – I (Regression and Classification).
◆ Module – 4: Time Series Analysis, Survival Analysis and Tree Based Methods Survival Analysis.
◆ Module – 5: Prediction Modeling – II: Logistic Regression and ML Techniques.
◆ Module – 6: Association Rule Mining, Clustering, Neural Networks (Advanced) and Introduction to Deep Learning

After each module except the 6th module, test will be conducted in MCQ format.
Assignment will be given after alternate modules. Participants are expected to carry out the assignments and present their finding in the next module to enhance their grasp on the subject.

Who can Apply?

  • Managers / Executives/ Professionals/ Students associated with data analysis or
    planning to have a career in Analytics.
  • Should be graduate in any discipline. Preliminary knowledge of Excel is desirable.

Course Registration Fee

− INR 60000 per participant + 18% GST (INR 70800/-) for students and
individual participants
− INR 80000/- per participant + 18% GST (INR 94400/-) for corporate/sponsored
− US$ 1200 for overseas participants (inclusive of course material).

Venue: Online

The program will use Zoom as on-line platform. Participants must sign up in zoom with the same e-mail id which they will provide in their nomination form

How to Apply

• Please send your nomination along with appropriate course fee in the attached registration format given in the last page of this brochure. Before making online payment, please check eligibility and availability of seats. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances
• Registrations are done on ‘first come first served’ basis.

Please use copy of this form in case there are more than two participants. Please e-mail the form to: [email protected] or send to :
Program Director, SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Room No,320, 3rd Floor, Old CGO Bldg,101, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020
Tel. 022 – 22014588 /

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is 20th June 2021.
  • Last date of submission of nominations: July 26, 2021
  • Online Test and wrap-up: 24th October 2021
  • Course Duration August 2021 – October 2021 [18 days]

For Additional Information

SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai, Indian Statistical Institute Organized Weekend Online Certification Program on Business Analytics and Data Mining

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Indian Statistical Institute,
Room No 320, 3rd Floor Old C G O Building
101 Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020
Tel 22014588 / 22004574
email: [email protected]


  • Weekend Online Certification Program Organized by Indian Statistical Institute
  • Learn About Advanced Business Analytics and Data Mining
  • Weekend Online Certification Program for Managers / Executives/ Professionals/ Students and Industry employees

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