Monday, March 31, 2025

National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation Vacancy for Director / Senior Technical Officer / Technical Officer / Administrative Assistant/ Steno Typist / Technical Assistant/ Accounts Clerk

Must Read

The National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation (NHRDF) was established by National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) on 3 November, 1977 under Societies Registration Act, 1860 at New Delhi. Head Office & Registered Office of NHRDF is at New Delhi. The aim of establishment of NHRDF was to guide the farmers, exporters and others concerned for improving the productivity and quality of horticultural crops in order to make available sufficient quantity for domestic requirement and also to boost up export of onion and other such export oriented horticultural crops in the country. Onion was the first crop on which the NHRDF has started its Research and Development programmes to meet the above mentioned aim and subsequently garlic, okra, chilli, French bean crops etc. have been added. The NHRDF initially started as a small centre at New Delhi in 1978 and now it has 5 Regional Research Stations, Laboratories on different aspects and 18 Extension Centres spread all over the major onion and garlic growing pockets of the country. It has also established one Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Ujwa in New Delhi to cater the needs of farmers of Delhi State.


National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for recruitment to the following Director / Senior Technical Officer / Technical Officer / Administrative Assistant/ Steno Typist / Technical Assistant/ Accounts Clerk posts for its various centers/ Offices in India as under


  • Director
  • Senior Technical Officer (Residue Analysis)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Plant Physiology)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Microbiology)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Horticulture)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Plant Breeding)
  • Technical Officer (Horticulture)
  • Technical Officer (Seed)
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Steno Typist
  • Technical Assistant
  • Accounts Clerk


Director Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture/ Horticulture/Vegetable Science. At least 5 years’ experience as Principal Scientist/Head of Division/Professor or equivalent position or an eminent Scientist of a reputed organization or institute having at least 15 years’ experience in Research & Extension Seed production & distribution of vegetable crops especially Onion & Garlic. Evidence of publication/activities/ contribution to suggest that the candidate has broad vision/perspective on R & D activities including seed production and distribution of vegetable crops. Preference will be given to a candidate having additional qualification of MBA with specialization in Marketing/HRD from a reputed Institute.

Senior Technical Officer (Residue Analysis) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Agriculture Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry or equivalent or relevant subject from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience in Pesticide Residue Analysis Lab & handling experience in Chromatographic instruments like of LCMS-MS, GCMS-MS, HPLC, IPC-OES, AAS etc

Senior Technical Officer (Plant Physiology) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Plant Physiology from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience in research/lab.

Senior Technical Officer (Microbiology) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Microbiology or relevant subject with specialization in Microbiology from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience in above relevant field.

Senior Technical Officer (Horticulture) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Horticulture/Vegetable Science or relevant subject from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience of field/ research/extension in vegetable crops.

Senior Technical Officer (Plant Breeding) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Plant Breeding/Vegetable Science from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience of field/research/extension in vegetable crops.

Technical Officer (Horticulture) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Horticulture/Vegetable Science, relaxable to Graduate degree in the same subject from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience in research/ Field/Extension in vegetable crops

Technical Officer (Seed) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in Agriculture with specialization in Seed Science/Technology, relaxable to Graduate degree in the same subject from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 2 years’ experience in research / Field/ Lab.

Administrative Assistant ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in any subject relaxable to Graduate degree and knowledge of typing in English & Hindi with speed of 40 wpm. EXPERIENCE: 1 year experience with computer knowledge of MS office software.

Steno Typist ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master degree in any subject relaxable to Graduate degree and knowledge of shorthand & typing with speed of 80/40 (wpm) in English and Hindi. EXPERIENCE: 1 ½ years’ experience is essential along with computer knowledge of MS office software.

Technical Assistant ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Graduate degree in Agriculture/Horticulture from recognized university with good academic record. EXPERIENCE: 1 year experience in Extension/Research/Lab/Field.

Accounts Clerk ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Master Degree in Commerce relaxable to Graduate degree with knowledge of typing with speed of 40 (wpm) in English & Hindi. EXPERIENCE: 1 year experience is essential along with computer knowledge of Tally, MS office software and other accounting works.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Director Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 144200-218200 (L-14)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Residue Analysis) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Plant Physiology) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Microbiology) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Horticulture) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Senior Technical Officer (Plant Breeding) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Technical Officer (Horticulture) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Technical Officer (Seed) Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.)35400-112400 (L-6)
  • Administrative Assistant Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 25500-81100 (L-4)
  • Steno Typist Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 25500-81100 (L-4)
  • Technical Assistant Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 19900-63200 (L-2)
  • Accounts Clerk Pay Matrix/Level (Rs.) 19900-63200 (L-2)

How to Apply

For qualification, eligibility criteria, other terms & conditions, please visit our website and Interested candidates may apply within 30 days of publishing this advertisement as per format with all self-attested certificates & documents along with a Demand Draft/Indian Postal Order of Rs.1000/- in favour of the National Horticultural Research And Development Foundation payable at New Delhi and send to the Director at the below address.

Candidate should submit his/her ‘Application Form’ complete in all respect along with Demand draft/IPO & enclosures through registered post/speed post only on or before 04th October 2021 up to 5.00 pm.

Candidate should submit his/her filled in Application Form completed in all respect along with the Demand draft/IPO through Registered post/Speed post to: The Director,
National Horticultural Research & Development Foundation,
Bagwani Bhavan, Plot No.47,
Pankha Road, Institutional Area,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline within 30 days

Job Location 🇮🇳

National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation, Bagwani Bhawan, 47, Pankha Road, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110 058

For Additional Information

National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for recruitment to the following Director / Senior Technical Officer / Technical Officer / Administrative Assistant/ Steno Typist / Technical Assistant/ Accounts Clerk posts for its various centers/ Offices in India as under


  • Government Job Opportunity in National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation
  • Monthly Salary Level-2 19900-63200 to Level -14 144200-218200
  • Job Opportunity for Agriculture/ Horticulture/Vegetable Science/Agriculture Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry / Plant Physiology/Microbiology/Plant Breeding/Vegetable Science/ Seed Science/Technology/Commerce
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