Friday, March 28, 2025

National Conference on Low Dimensional Systems: Properties and Applications Organized by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan

Must Read


Low dimensional systems exhibit unexpected physical properties as compared to their bulk counter parts. The low dimensional systems such as thin films, multi-layers and nanostructures play a crucial role in the miniaturization of devices used for various applications. The novel phenomena such as Giant MagnetoResistance, Tunneling Magneto-Resistance and spin injection are observed in magnetic multilayers.

With the ability to respond autonomously to changes in their environment, the low dimensional materials offer a simplified approach to control various materials and system characteristics and hence find numerous applications in all spheres of human activities ranging from hydrospace to aerospace.

In view of importance and their wide ranging potential applications, the conference aims to provide a broad cross disciplinary forum to deliberate and discuss the present and future issues in major sectors such as material processing, characterization, modeling, simulation, properties, performances and device fabrication by experts/eminent researchers/research scholars working in relevant fields.

Event Introduction

The objective of this workshop is to bring together experts from academic institutions, industries and research organizations from across the country to share knowledge, expertise and experience in the emerging fields of research related to Advanced materials processing and characterization and indulge in the analysis of functionally graded materials / tailor made materials to meet the ever increasing demands of industry and modem society at large.

The conference aims to cover both theoretical and experimental studies on condensed matter in broad areas of Thin films, multilayers, nanomaterials.

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

The details regarding the preparation of one-page abstract can be found at the end of this announcement. Authors are requested to submit their abstract(s) through email attachment (MS word) to: [email protected]. Acceptance of the abstracts will be notified through e-mail.

There will be a poster session. Scanned copy of duly filled in Registration form should be sent only after acceptance of the abstract.
Papers presented in the workshop will be published in a Scopus-indexed international journal

Important Date

  • Last date of Abstract Submission 20.07.2021
  • Intimation of Acceptance 20.07.2021
  • Last date of Submission of full papers 14.08.2021
  • Last date of Registration 24.07.2021

For Additional Information

National Conference on Low Dimensional Systems: Properties and Applications (LDSPA-2021) July 24-25, 2021 Organized by Department of Physics Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to Be University)

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ITER)
Sisksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University)
Odisha, India
E.mail: [email protected]


  • National Conference Programme Organized by Sisksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University)
  • Learn About National Conference on Low Dimensional Systems: Properties and Applications
  • National Conference Programme for Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees

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