Tuesday, March 25, 2025

National Book Trust Invites Application for the following Position of Computer Programmer and Assistant Director Recruitment

Must Read

The National Book Trust (NBT), India is an apex body established by the Government of India (Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development) in the year 1957. The objectives of the NBT are to produce and encourage the production of good literature in English, Hindi and other Indian languages and to make such literature available at moderate prices to the public and to bring out book catalogues, arrange book fairs/exhibitions and seminars and take all necessary steps to make the people book minded.


The National Book Trust, a professional body established by the Government of India in the year 1957 for the promotion of books and reading habits in the country is looking for young, dynamic and motivated candidate fulfilling eligibility conditions, for the following positions as detailed below:

National Book Trust, India NBT invite applications for the following posts for its Head Office, New Delhi


  • Computer Programmer
  • Assistant Director


Computer Programmer
Essential Qualifications:
a) i) Master’s degree in Computer Applications/ Computer Science or M. Tech (with specialisation in Computer Application) or B.E/B. Tech in Computer Engg./Computer Science/Computer Technology of a recognised university or equivalent.
ii) 3 years’ experience of electronic data processing work including experience of actual programming.
b) i) Degree in Computer Application/ programming/Computer Science or Degree in Electronics/Electronic & Communication Engg. from a recognised university or equivalent. ii) Four years’ experience in Electronic data processing work including experience of actual programming.
b) (i) Master’s degree or recognised university with Economics/maths/ statistics or Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming/Application with five years’ experience in electronic data processing work including experience of actual programming.
b) Graduate with ‘A’ level Diploma under DOEACC programmer or a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer applications/
programming awarded by state Council of Technical Education with minimum 5 years of working experience of electronic data processing and programming in a reputed organisation.

Assistant Director
Essential : a) A degree from a recognised university. b) Proficiency in English or Hindi, c) 5 years regular service as Accounts Officer in the Pay Matrix: Rs. 44900-142400, Level-7 or 8 years regular service as Superintendents in the Pay Matrix: Rs. 35400-112400, Level-6 in one or more of the following fields from any govt./semi govt./autonomous organisation:
1. Sales & Marketing
2. Publicity & Public relations.
3. Fairs and Exhibitions.
4. Establishment & Office Admn.
Desirable: Diploma in one or more of the following fields.
i. Business Management.
ii. Advertising & Marketing.
iii. Personnel Management.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Computer Programmer Level-7 Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400
  • Assistant Director Pay Matrix Rs. 56100-177500 Level-10

How to Apply

Applicants must super scribe the envelope with “Application for the post of____________

The application duly completed in all respects should reach the Deputy Director (Establishment), National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5, Institutional Area, Phase-ll, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110 070 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News and other daily newspapers along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) (no fee for SC/ST/PWD, Ex- Serviceman and EWS (UR) category) in favour of National Book Trust, India payable at New Delhi. The Demand Draft should not be drawn before the date of issue of this advertisement. Candidates must write their names and the post applied for on the reverse of the Bank Draft
Application(s) received after the last date due to postal delay or any other reason(s) thereof or incomplete in any form or without the application fee, shall be summarily rejected.
Last date for receipt of application is within 30 days from the date of issue of the advertisement in the Employment News (UPTO 07th DECEMBER 2021).

Last date of submission of the applications within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement.
For further details visit NBT Website: www.nbtindia.gov.in

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline within 30 days

Job Location 🇮🇳

National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070

For Additional Information

National Book Trust, India Vacancy Notice for the post of Assistant Director

National Book Trust, India Vacancy Notice for the post of Computer Programmer


  • Government Job Opportunity in National Book Trust India
  • Monthly Salary Level-7 Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400 to Rs. 56100-177500 Level-10
  • Job Opportunity for Computer Application/ programming/Computer Science or Degree in Electronics/Electronic & Communication Engg.
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