Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Five Days Workshop on Computational Materials Engineering organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

Must Read

Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur is one of the premier NITs, designated “Institute of National Importance” by MHRD, Govt. of India. The Institute was established in 1963, and its campus spreads over 325 acres of lush green area in the central location of Jaipur city. The Institute offers undergraduate (B.Tech.) and postgraduate (M.Tech. / MBA / M.Sc. & Ph.D.) courses to about 5000 students in almost all leading engineering, technology, management, and sciences fields. Through the internationally renowned faculty, laboratories with state-of-the[1]art equipment, and excellent infrastructure, the Institute is actively engaged in research, consultancy, and developmental activities, besides imparting regular teaching.


Five Days Workshop on Computational Materials Engineering 22-27 January, 2024,Organized by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur.

Event Introduction

Computational materials engineering involves the application of computers to understanding and predicting the structures and properties of materials and their relationships to processing conditions, based on fundamental physics, thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanics, and numerical algorithms. The rise of computing power is allowing for exciting new methods of material characterization and design. Many materials studies now use computational approaches, which will only become more common as computer power improves in the coming decades. A key, cross-cutting strength is the computational prediction of material properties from atomic to microstructural scales. The objective is to promote the exchange of new developments and achievements in the field of Computational Materials Engineering and to support their applications. This workshop is dedicated to the most recent advances in the theory and simulation of materials.

Topics to be Covered

1.Density functional theory (DFT) ▪ 2.CALPHAD: Fundamentals and hands-on training ▪ 3.Phase field modeling: Fundamentals and hands on training.

Who can Apply?

Target audience & programme requirements : ✓ This workshop is for faculty members, research scholars, UG & PG students, and participants from Research Institutions and Industries.
✓ The workshop will be conducted in online/offline mode. Participants should have the provision of a laptop/desktop with an internet Connection.

Registration Fee

For Registration
Registration Form:
Registration Fees (including 18% GST)

  • Offline registration fees: Rs. 2000/- (includes lodging)
  • Online registration fees: Rs. 500/- (for external participants)
  • For MNIT participants fees: Rs. 250/-
    Mode of Payment: Online Transaction
    Registrar MNIT Jaipur, Acc. No: 676801700388
    ICICI Bank (MNIT Jaipur)
    IFSC: ICIC0006768
    o E-certificate will be given only if the participants attend all the sessions actively.
    o Detailed schedule and session links will be shared later through e-mail and WhatsApp.

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.For Registration
Registration Form:

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is 20th Jan 2024
  • Event date 22-27 January, 2024

For Additional Information

Five Days Workshop on Computational Materials Engineering 22-27 January, 2024,Organized by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Organizing Committee
❑ Patron
Prof. Narayana Prasad Padhy
Director, MNIT Jaipur
❑ Chairman
Prof. Upender Pandel
Head of the Department
❑ Conveners
Dr. Randhir Kumar Singh
Dr. Swati Sharma
Dr. Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru
❑ Coordinators
Dr. Krishna Kumar
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rai
Dr. Jyotirmaya Kar
Dr. Sreekumar Vadakke Madam
Dr. Brij Mohan Mundotiya.

Key Resource Persons
Prof. Amarendra Kumar Singh
Professor, Department of MSE, IIT Kanpur
Dr. Somnath Bhowmick
Associate Professor, Department of MSE, IIT Kanpur
Dr. K. Guruvidyathri
Assistant Professor School of Engg. Sciences,
University of Hyderabad
Dr. Rahul M R
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fuel, Minerals, & Met. Engg.,
IIT ISM, Dhanbad
Dr. Shelaka Gupta
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engg., IIT Hyderabad
Dr. Supriyo Ghosh
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Met. & Matl. Engg., IIT Roorkee


  • Five Days Workshop on Computational Materials Engineering
  • Learn About Density functional theory (DFT)/CALPHAD/Phase field modeling
  • Short Term Training Programme for Research scholars, UG & PG students, and participants from Research Institutions and Industries

🔖 Post Expires on 20th January 2024

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