Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Five Day (STTP) on Advanced Micro/Nano Sensor Technologies: Modeling, Simulation, and Fabrication

Must Read

National Institute of Technology Calicut is an Institute of National importance for quality education in Architecture, Engineering, Management, and Science.National Institute of Technology Calicut is a Technical Institution of national importance set up by an Act of parliament(Act 29 of 2007) namely, the National Institute of technology Act 2007, which received the assent of the President of India on 5th June,2007. The provision of the Act have come into force with effect from 15th August,2007 as per Notification S.O.1384(E) dated 9th August, 2007 of the Ministry of Education(Shiksha Mantralaya),New Delhi. As per the provision of the said Act, this Institution runs on non profitable basis.


Five Day Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Advanced Micro/Nano Sensor Technologies: Modeling, Simulation, and Fabrication” Conducted as part of the Diamond Jubilee Year Celebrations of NITC Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut.

Event Introduction

Sensors are used in everyday life for widespread applications in daily households, industries, and medical field. As the current technological scenario demands further miniaturization and performance enhancement of devices, new material technology and device concept need heed and probe. This STTP is intended to provide a timely update on most recent developments in the area of sensor technology focusing on semiconductor technology. This STTP also focuses on the promotion of advanced research areas related to modeling, simulation and fabrication of sensors. The participants will also get a chance to familiarize with simulation software packages such as SILVACO, SENTAURUS, and COMSOL through the lab sessions planned on all days.

Topics to be Covered

This programme will cover the following topics:
◆ Nano-materials and Devices for Sensors
◆ Sensor Physics & Modeling
◆ Microelectronics Technology
◆ MEMs/NEMs based Sensors
◆ Photodetectors, Gas Sensors, Biosensors etc.
◆ III-V Semiconductors based HEMTs
◆ Fabrication and Characterization Techniques of Sensors at Micro and Nano level
◆ Lab sessions on device simulators such as SILVACO, SENTAURUS, and COMSOL

Who can Apply?

Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees, who are working/ interested in the area of Micro/Nano-Electronic Sensors can attend the course.

Registration Fee

◆ Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students: Rs.1190/-
◆ Industry participants: Rs.3570/- (The registration fee is inclusive of GST)

How to Apply

Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

◆ For registration, fill the online form at
◆ The endorsement form link is given below
◆ The registration fee has to be paid through online transfer. The bank details are given below.
Account Name: Director, NIT Calicut,
Continuing Education Programme,
Account No: 37618269594,
Bank: SBI NIT Calicut,
Branch: CREC, Chathamangalam,
IFSC code: SBIN0002207,
MICR Code: 673002012.
Last date for registration is 20th June 2021.

Procedure for Registration
  • Fill in Applicants Information, Personal Information, Institutional Information, Research Area, Email, Contact Number and Corresponding Address.
  • The Star Marked details are mandatory (*).
  • Check Summary Page before submission.

Certificates will be provided to registered participants upon completion of the course

For registration and other information
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 9495807919/8074317117

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is 20th June 2021.
  • Event date 5th– 9th July, 2021

For Additional Information

Five Day Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Advanced Micro/Nano Sensor Technologies: Modeling, Simulation, and Fabrication”

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Calicut
NIT Campus P.O. – 673601, Kozhikode, Kerala


  • Five Day Short Term Training Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology Calicut
  • Learn About Advanced Micro/Nano Sensor Technologies
  • Short Term Training Programme for Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees

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