Wednesday, March 26, 2025

FDP on Satellite image analysis and applications using deep learning Organized by NITK Surathkal

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NITK Surathkal is a premier institution engaged in imparting quality technological education and a broad range of research, development and consultancy activities. NITK has carved a niche for itself among the best technical institutes in India and is consistently ranked among the top 10 technological institutes.

FDP on Satellite image analysis and applications using deep learning (VIRTUAL MODE) 11 – 13 March 2021 Jointly Organized by: Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangaluru 575025 & Sponsored by: SERB- UNDER SSR SCHEME


In remote sensing, various sensors are used to record and receive the information of the objects without any physical contact. Mostly, the information of the objects is recorded by measuring its ability to reflect and transmit the electromagnetic energy from its surface. The images obtained from the sensors include the various artifacts such as blur, noise, contrast degradation etc. due to constructive and destructive interference of these reflected waves and various other factors. Hence, the analysis of the satellite images is necessary to understand the degradation process and design the appropriate restoration models. However, satellite image analysis poses a great challenge to the researchers due to high variability, low resolution and big data of the satellite images.

The machine learning and deep learning tackle the challenges in handling the big data. These methods provide the potential applications in the field of the satellite image processing and analysis such as land use and cover, soil mapping, crop classification etc.

For example, foresters use land cover mapping to identify the forest cover, to identify the possible routes etc. The advantages of the deep learning methods include the ability to handle the high dimensional data and to map classes to the complex characteristics of the satellite images. However, implementing the deep learning methods is not straight forward, the literature provides the conflicting advice for the different key issues. The proposed FDP provides the sessions on satellite image analysis, various satellite image degradations and restoration methods using the deep learning. It highlights many applications of remote sensing. The purpose of this FDP is to provide an intensive understanding of how to use the deep learning algorithms and to equip the participants with the tools and hands on sessions for solving the practical problems in the satellite imaging domain.

Event Introduction

• Exposing participants to the fundamental aspects of satellite image restoration and analysis.
• Providing adequate preliminary inputs to understand the concepts required for analyzing the theory behind the satellite data processing.
• Extending the theoretical concepts towards applications from various satellite imaging domain.
• Providing hands on exposure to some real-time satellite imaging applications, through assignments, demonstration etc.

Resource Person

The sessions are handled by eminent experts from reputed academic institutes
and industries. Some of the resource persons of the workshop are:
• Dr. Rama Rao Nidamanuri, IIST
• Dr. Sumohana S Channappayya, IITH
• Dr.Biplap Banerjee, IITB
• Er. Ujjwal Gupta, ISRO.
• Dr. Avik Bhattacharya, IIT B
• Dr. Shyam Lal, NITK
• Dr. Anil Kumar, IIRS, ISRO
• Er. Nagajyothi Kannan, ISRO

Registration Fee

◆ Registration Fee: Nil.

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

Registration Fee: Nil
Register at:
Target audience: Faculty members and Research Scholars.
Maximum Number of Participants: 50
Certificate will be provided for registered participants only.
Prerequisite: Basic python programming and familiarization with Google Colab interface for hands on session.

Procedure for Registration
  • Fill in Applicants Information, Personal Information, Institutional Information, Specialization/ Research Area , Email, Contact Number and Corresponding Address.
  • The Star Marked details are mandatory (*).
  • Check Summary Page before submission.

Important Date

  • Event date 11 – 13 March 2021

For Additional Information

FDP on Satellite image analysis and applications using deep learning (VIRTUAL MODE) 11 – 13 March 2021 Jointly Organized by: Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangaluru 575025 & Sponsored by: SERB- UNDER SSR SCHEME

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

National Institute of Technology, Karnataka Surathkal, Mangalore – 575 025


  • Three Day Faculty Development Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology Karnataka
  • Learn About Satellite image analysis and applications using deep learning
  • Faculty Development Programme for Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees

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