Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Electronics Corporation of India Limited Hyderabad Invites Applications for The Position of Project Engineer & Technical Officer (On Contract Basis)

Must Read

Electronics Corporation of India Limited is a leading Schedule-A Public Sector Enterprise (under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India) engaged in the area of Strategic Electronics with thrust on innovation & indigenization. ECIL operates in strategic sectors like Nuclear, Defence, Aerospace, Information Technology, Telecom, Network & Homeland Security, CBRN and e-Governance. ECIL pioneered a number of products and technologies include Solid State Television, Digital Computer, Cockpit Voice Recorders, Electronic Voting Machines, Programmable Logic Controllers, Earth Station and Deep Space Network Antennas. It has close collaboration with national R&D laboratories as well as Academic Institutes and has been involved in the projects of national importance.


Electronics Corporation of India Limited is looking for dynamic, experienced and result oriented personnel purely on fixed tenure basis, for a period of One Year (extendable up to four years including the initial term, depending on project requirements & satisfactory performance of the candidate) to work for various Business Verticals across the country.


  • Project Engineer on Contract: – 11posts
  • Technical Officer on Contract: – 22 posts


Essential Qualification

  • Project Engineer
  • No. of posts 2: Location -Hyderabad : ECE/ETC/ Electronics
  • No. of posts 4: Location -Kaiga : ECE/ETE/EEE/E&I/Electronics
  • No. of posts 5: Location -Hyderabad : CSE/IT
  • Technical Officer
  • No. of posts 4: Location -Hyderabad : ECE/ETC/ Electronics
  • No. of posts 1: Location -Hyderabad :CSE/IT
  • No. of posts 3: Location -Hyderabad : Mechanical
  • No. of posts 9: Location -Hyderabad : ECE/ETE/EEE/E&I/CSE/IT
  • No. of posts 3: Location -Hyderabad : Mechanical
  • No. of posts 2: Location -Hyderabad : CSE/IT
  • Experience profile (3 years 1 year & post qualification exp. in the field of) Testing of analog, digital electronics and integrated electronic instrumentation systems. Preferably in Nuclear/Radiation instruments testing & development. Maintenance/Repair of Control & Instrumentation systems/Electronics & Communication systems / Radiation Instruments, Knowledge on windows, UNIX Operating Systems and database/Maintenance/Repair of Computers/Network equipment, Software programming on QT framework (QT IDE), C/C++ on Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) Operating System and MYSQL Database,Application software development,C++, Java, .Net, PHP, QT and Visual Studio,Writing application software in C, C++, Java etc.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

The incumbent for ‘Project Engineer on Contract’ post is eligible to a consolidated amount of Rs. 40,000/ month for 1st year, Rs.45,000 / month for 2nd year, Rs. 50,000 / month for 3rd year & Rs. 55,000 /month for 4th year along with a lump sum amount of Rs.12,000 (Rs. 3,600 towards Medical Insurance upon submission of proof & remaining balance for attire allowances after finishing at least months term from date of joining) during initial stint.

For ‘Technical Officer on Contract’ post, a consolidated amount of Rs. 25,000 / month for 1st year, Rs. 28,000 / month for 2nd year, Rs. 31,000 / month for 3rd & 4th year; Alongside the mentioned consolidated amount, the selected candidate will be eligible for other benefits such as Reimbursement of premium paid towards Medical Insurance, Company PF, TA/DA
(while on official duty) & Paid Leave as per extant rules.

How to Apply

Eligible candidates should open the below link and submit their credentials before appearing for WalkIn selections: (from 06/12/2023, 16.00 hrs. up to 08/12/2023 11.30 hrs.) After successful registration, candidate may download the Application Form from our website
( and should report at 09.00 hrs. with duly filled in application form & resume along with the following original certificates & a set of self-attested photocopies:

Important Date

Registration closure time at the venue is 11.30 hrs. on 08/12/2023

Job Location 🇮🇳


[A Govt. of India (Dept. of Atomic Energy) Enterprise]
ECIL Post, Hyderabad – 500062, Telangana.


For Additional Information

Electronics Corporation of India Limited Applications are invited for ‘Project Engineer and Technical Officer on Contract’ post


  • Government Job Opportunity in Electronics Corporation of India Limited
  • Monthly Salary Rs.25,000 to Rs. 55,000
  • Opportunity for B.E/M.Tech in ECE/ETE/EEE/ E&I/Electronics/CSE/IT/Mechanical

🔖 Post Expires on 8th December 2023

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