Monday, March 31, 2025

Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Applications are Invited for the following Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Under the SERB Sponsored Project

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Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology was established in the year 1987 as Regional Engineering College and was given the status of National Institute of Technology (Deemed University) by the Government of India on October 17, 2002 under the aegis of Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), New Delhi. Now the Ministry of Education (Shiksha Mantralaya), Government of India has declared the Institute as “Institute of National Importance” under the act of Parliament-2007.


Applications are invited from suitable candidates for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on the research project sponsored by DST-SERB (CRG/2022/006481), under the supervision of Dr. Harpreet Singh (PI), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar Development, Characterization and Analysis of Hybrid Chemomechanical Magnetorheological Abrasive Finishing for Biomedical Applications.

Title of the project: Development, Characterization and Analysis of Hybrid Chemomechanical Magnetorheological Abrasive Finishing for Biomedical Applications.

Duration of the project: 3 years (till 17th July 2026)
Initial appointment (ON PURELY TEMPORARY BASIS) is for one year, which is extendable up to three years or project Duration whichever is earlier based on the performance.

Job Profile: In this project, selected candidate will be working on:
I. Design and development of microwave processed magnetic abrasives.
II. Development of software module for CMMRAF.
III. Experimentation and Optimization of CMMRAF variables.
IV. Analysis of collected data and development of suitable process models.


  • Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 1 Post


Position:Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Eligibility requirements: GATE qualified candidates with M.Tech Mechanical Engineering or equivalent in Manufacturing Technology/ Production Engineering/Mechatronics or related branch with
B.Tech/B.E. in Mechanical Engineering or allied areas.

The GATE qualification can be relaxed for experienced and exceptional candidates.

Desirable Knowledge: Knowledge of materials, machine development/programing, modeling software,
MATLAB/Python, mechatronics, and Finite Element Analysis.

Age Limit: Preferably below 40 years, age relaxation may be given to experienced, exceptional or PhD candidates.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Rs. 31,000/- for first two years and 35,000/- for third year + HRA as per institute/project norms.

How to Apply

Eligible Interested candidates with the above-mentioned qualification can send the applications in the given format, including a cover letter and resume with detailed information about the educational qualifications, research experience and published research papers if any in the prescribed format in a single pdf file, by 17th Nov 2023 to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Harpreet Singh via email:[email protected]

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 17/11/2023

Job Location 🇮🇳

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, G.T. Road, Amritsar Bye-Pass, Jalandhar (Punjab), India – 144027.

For Additional Information

Dr Harpreet Singh
(Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
G.T. Road, Amritsar Bypass,
Jalandhar (Punjab), India – 144027
Email ID: [email protected]
Mobile No.: +91-8054206516

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)


🔖 Post Expires on 17th November 2023

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