Thursday, March 27, 2025

Online Short-Term Course on Python for Artificial Intelligence Organized by National Institute of Technology Warangal and NRCM Hyderabad

Must Read

National Institute of Technology Warangal, formerly known as Regional Engineering College was established in 1959. Over the years it has developed into a premier institute of higher learning and is ranked among the top technical education institutions in India. There are 13 Departments offering eight undergraduate and 32 post-graduate programmers besides doctoral programmers. About 5000 students across the country and about 500 international students study in the campus. It is a fully residential campus sprawling over 250 acres with excellent infrastructure, state of the art library, seminar halls guest house and laboratory


Online Short-Term Course on Python for Artificial Intelligence Organized by Department of CSE NIT Warangal & Department of CSE NRCM Hyderabad In association with the Center for Continuing Education, National Institute of Technology Warangal on 23rd May 2022-27th May 2022

Event Introduction

☛ Introduction: Getting Started, Keywords and Identifiers, Python Operators, Python Namespace, Python I/O and import, Statements & Comments, Python Variables, Python Datatypes, Python Type Conversion.
☛ Basics of AI, ML and DL, Supervised and unsupervised Algorithms.
☛ Working with data preprocessing and data visualization using python.
☛ Supervised learning like regression, Unsupervised Machine learning algorithms like SVM, KNN etc.
☛ Deep learning techniques like single and multi-layer perceptron, LSTM.
☛ Introduction to AI, machine learning tools and techniques, Simple and multiple linear regression.
☛ Neural networks and multilayer perceptron, Back propagation CNN applications.
☛ Heuristic and metaheuristic techniques in AI.
☛ Advanced research applications in Machine and deep learning.

The Sessions will be handled by the experts from IITs/NITs/
Central University and Professor from U. S. Universities.

Who can Apply?

The Programme is open to all Faculty/Research Scholars/ Industry Professionals/MCA/MBA/Degree/Polytechnic and other eligible students can register the course.

Registration Fee

◆ Faculty: 500(Five Hundred only).
◆ Industry Professionals:1000(Thousand only).

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

Interested candidates can apply online by clicking below link
Participants details need to be filled and payment details uploaded
by using above link in Google Forms on or before 23rd May,2022.
Registration Deadline: 23rd May,2022

The interested individuals may register on the FCFS basis the
seats are limited to 300 only
E-Certificate: Participants will get e-certificate upon
completion of the STC course.

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is 23rd May,2022
  • Event date 23rd May 2022-27th May 2022

For Additional Information

Online Short-Term Course on Python for Artificial Intelligence Organized by Department of CSE NIT Warangal & Department of CSE NRCM Hyderabad In association with the Center for Continuing Education, National Institute of Technology Warangal

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Dr. Raju Bhukya
Assistant Professor,
Incharge CCE & Coordinator,
Department of CSE,
NIT Warangal,
Mobile: 9700553922,
Email : [email protected].
Dr. D. Bhadru,
Associate Professor,
Department of CSE,
NRCM Hyderabad,
Mobile: 8247280077,
Email:[email protected]


  • Five Day Short Term Training Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology Warangal
  • Learn About Advanced Python for Artificial Intelligence
  • Short Term Training Programme for Faculties/ research scholars/ PG students and Industry employees

🔖 Post Expires on 23rd May 2022

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