Monday, March 31, 2025

Securities and Exchange Board of India Internship Program in Financial Content Writing

Must Read

SEBI is in process of developing a web-based “Virtual Museum of Indian Securities Market” to demonstrate rich heritage and the transformation of securities market in India over the decades. In nutshell, we intend to tell the story of Indian securities market to the present and future generation through a web-enabled platform of high standards and interactive interface for enhancing awareness and interest among public at large. This program will give an opportunity to individuals for creating research based original content writing and enhance their knowledge of securities market, content writing skills, while working on hands-on project.


Securities and Exchange Board of India applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Internship Program in Financial Content Writing post


  • Internship Program in Financial Content Writing


★ Post-graduation or equivalent degree in Economics or
Business or Finance OR
★ Minimum 60% aggregate marks at post-graduation level or
equivalent CGPA.
Desired skills
★ Content writing and editing skills on topics of securities
markets or economics or business or finance
★ Published articles on securities market, economics, business,
or finance in periodicals or reputed publications during last
five years.
★ Proof reading for technical, grammatical and style guide

Role Description
a. Research facts and information, create original and summarized writings from various committee reports, rules and regulations, policy
developments, circulars, articles, news clippings, related to securities
b. visit to various archives and libraries for material collection and
c. preparing contents for interviews/discussions with eminent personality
associated with Indian securities market,
d. proof reading for technical, grammatical, and style guide compliance
e. Create error free and unique plagiarism-free content
f. support for editing of multi-media contents
g. Any other work related to Virtual Museum.

General essential skills
☛ Proficiency in English language (speaking and writing) is must.
☛ understanding of financial markets,
☛ knowledge of Informational Technology tools,
☛ oral and written communication skills, and
☛ judgment and interpersonal skills

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

SEBI will provide office space, internet connectivity and other support
SEBI will pay a stipend either of
s.45,000/- (Forty-Five Thousand only) per month, without
accommodation OR
Rs.35,000 (Thirty-Five Thousand only) per month, with SEBI
accommodation (subject to availability)

How to Apply

Interested candidate can apply for this internship by filling up the
‘Application Form’ (as given below) and sending the signed copy of it to
SEBI (in the physical form) at the below mentioned address.
Deputy General Manager,
Department of Economic and Policy Analysis –II
Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI Bhavan – II
Plot No. C 4-A, ‘G’ Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (E), Mumbai 400051
The completely filled and signed ‘Application Forms’ should be sent to
SEBI (above mentioned address) so as to reach on or before the last date.
Cut Off Date – The last date for the receipt of the applications by SEBI is
October 30, 2021.
The envelope containing the application shall clearly mention
“Application for Financial Content Writer under Internship Program –

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline October 30, 2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI Bhavan – II
Plot No. C 4-A, ‘G’ Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (E), Mumbai 400051, Maharastra

For Additional Information

Securities and Exchange Board of India Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Internship Program in Financial Content Writing for the following vacancies


  • Government Job Opportunity in Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • Monthly Stipend Rs.35,000 to Rs.45,000
  • Job Opportunity for Economics or Business or Finance
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