Monday, March 31, 2025

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Applications are invited for the Quality Engineers Department of Civil Engineering

Must Read

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur is one of the thirty National Institutes of Technology in the country. The Govt. of India conferred on the Institute, the Deemed to be University status (under University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956)) with effect from 26th June 2002. Subsequently, the Central Govt. by Act of Parliament (National Institutes of Technology Act, 2007 (29 of 2007)) declared VNIT Nagpur as an Institute of National Importance along with all other NITs. The Act was brought into force from 15th August 2007. Earlier, the Institute was known as Visvesvaraya Regional College of Engineering (VRCE). It was established in the year 1960 under the scheme sponsored by Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra. The college was started in June 1960 by amalgamating the State Govt. Engineering College functioning at Nagpur since July 1956. In the meeting held in October 1962, the Governing Board of the College resolved to name it after the eminent engineer, planner, and statesman of the country Sir M.Visvesvaraya.


VNIT Nagpur is in receipt of the Consultancy Project with SJVN Ltd for Third Party Quality Project at Lohri, near Shimla at Himachal Pradesh. In this regard, VNIT are inviting applications from motivated and eligible candidates for the posts of “Quality Engineers” through Third Party Outsourcing Agencies on a temporary basis. The details regarding the application procedure and application forms are available on the institute’s website The last date for submission of the application form in the prescribed format is 30th November 2023.


Quality Engineers: 2post


Position : Quality Engineers

Essential Qualification:
Diploma with a minimum 8 years of experience or B.E./
with a minimum of 05 years of experience or MTech/ Ph.D. with a minimum of 03 years of experience in the field of Civil Engineering.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Quality Engineers – 50,000/Per Month (Gross consolidated),

How to Apply

Make a single PDF file (Application in the given format with self–attested all relevant mark sheets & certificates and details of any research, experience certificate, age proof, or any other documents)
and email to [email protected] with the subject line “Quality Engineers”. No need to send the hard copy. However, candidates need to show the Original documents at the time of the interview and submit a self-attested copy of all the documents. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Selection Process:
The final selection will be done based on marks scored in the interview. However, in case more than 10 applications are received for any post, a written test of 60 min will be conducted. Final marks will be calculated based on the following weightage:

Written test:50% and Interview: 50%.

Only short-listed candidates will be intimated by email and will have to appear for a written test and/or interview on the date as communicated through email. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. The decision of the Director, VNIT Nagpur will be final in all respects.

Contact: Dr. Swapnil P. Wanjari (Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
VNIT Nagpur, Maharashtra
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone no. 09850364530

Important Date

Application Deadline 30.11.2023.

Job Location 🇮🇳

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra-440010

For Additional Information

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology VNIT Nagpur is in receipt of the Consultancy Project with SJVN Ltd for Third Party Quality Project at Lohri, near Shimla at Himachal Pradesh


  • Government Job Opportunity in Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
  • Monthly Salary Rs. 50,000/Per Month (Gross consolidated)
  • Job Opportunity for B.E./B.Tech./ M.Tech./M.E.&/Ph.D degree in Civil Engineering

🔖 Post Expires 30th November 2023

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