Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Advertisement for Non-Teaching Positions of Librarian and Training & Placement Officer (On Deputation/ Contract Recruitment Basis)

Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Librarian and Training & Placement Officer post

Ten Days Short Term Training Programme Innovation And Technology Enterprise Idea To Entrepreneurship Sponsored By (SPARC) Ministry Of Education, Govt. Of India

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

The Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) Of NIT Warangal Is Organizing An Online Refresher Course In ‘Artificial Intelligence For Computer Vision & Image...

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Twelve Days Short Term Training  Faculty Development Programme (FDP) On AI In Cloud Computing Organized By National Institute Of Technology Warangal

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Self-Sponsored Two Days Hands On Training Programme On Biomaterials Characterization Techniques Organized By Anna University, Chennai

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Self-Sponsored One Week Hands-On Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques and Applications Organized By National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Two Day Workshop On “Combined Theoretical And Experimental Approach For Discovering Novel Catalytic Materials For Green Hydrogen Fuel Production” By Indian Institute Of Information...

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Five Days International Workshop on Photonics And Optoelectronics Devices Organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Five Days Workshop on Computational Materials Engineering organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

Short-Term Course Under Diamond Jublee Celebrations On Process Simulators For Chemical Engineering Applications (DWSIM & Aspen Plus)

Interested participants fulfilling the above criteria may submit their Register applications in the prescribed format for the following training and workshop

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I.K Gujral Punjab Technical University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Technical Assistant Recruitment

Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Assistant post