Friday, March 28, 2025

PSCST invites applications for the following Project Manager/ Co-ordinator / Project Scientist /Project Associate-II/ Communicator / Project Assistant –I posts

Must Read

The Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, set up on July 21, 1983 as autonomous society under State Department of Science & Technology started functioning effectively in 1988. It serves as State level node of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and think-tank of Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of Punjab. The process of establishing S&T Councils ensured integration of S&T for overall socio–economic development with special emphasis on location specific needs and research, development of appropriate technologies and their adaptation and transfer to beneficiaries. It also accelerated S&T studies/surveys, information exchange & experience sharing. DST-GOI also instituted State Science and Technology Programme to synergize the S&T ecosystem between Centre and States for overall development in the country. Currently, 28 State Councils for S&T are being supported under this programme.


PSCST invites applications for the following Project Manager/ Co-ordinator / Project Scientist /Project Associate-II/ Communicator / Project Assistant –I posts to be filled up on contract basis under DST, GoI sponsored project ‘Setting up of STI Cell for Empowering SC community of Punjab’ for a period of three years. The selected candidates will initially be given appointment for a period of one year, which may be further extended on the basis of performance and availability of budget, upto the total duration of the project


  • Project Manager/ Co-ordinator
  • Project Associate-II / Project Scientist
  • Project Associate-II/ Communicator
  • Project Assistant –I


Project Manager/ Co-ordinator
Essential: Doctoral Degree in Science or Masters Degree in Engineering or Technology from recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable: 2 years experience in developmental projects/ Tech demonstrations/commercialization/relevant field

Project Associate-II / Project Scientist
Essential: Masters Degree in Sciences/ Agricultural Sciences/ MSc or Bachelors Degree in Engineering or Technology from recognized university or equivalent Essential: 2 years experience in Research & Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services.

Project Associate-II/ Communicator Essential: Masters Degree in Science/ Journalism/Social Science from recognized University/Institute. Essential: 2 years experience in Research & Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services. Desirable: Experience in implementing science communication projects

Project Assistant –I Essential: Bachelors Degree in Sciences or 3 years Diploma in Engineering or Technology Desirable: Masters Degree in Sciences or Bachelors Degree in Engineering or Technology:

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Project Manager/ Co-ordinator (1 no.) Consolidated Salary: Rs.60000/- p.m. (Including all statutory liabilities)
  • Project Associate-II / Project Scientist (01 No.) Salary: Rs.35000/- plus 16% HRA p.m. in case of NET/GATE qualification/ 70% marks in essential qualification Degree and Rs.28000/- plus 16% HRA/- p.m. for others
  • Project Associate-II/ Communicator (01 No.) Salary:Rs. 35000/- plus 16% HRA p.m. in case of NET/GATE qualification/ 70% marks in essential qualification degree and Rs.28000/- plus 16% HRA p.m. for others
  • Project Assistant –I : (2 nos.) Salary: Rs. 20000/- plus 16% HRA p.m.

How to Apply

The interested eligible candidates may apply on the prescribed performa available on our website:, along with self attested testimonials, experience certificates, if any, and demand draft worth Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Punjab State Council for Science and Technology payable at Chandigarh. No fee is payable by SC category candidates.

The applications complete in all respect, along with testimonials, experience certificate etc. must reach this office latest by 26.08.2021, through Registered/Speed Post. The name of post applied for must be super scribed at the top of the envelope. PSCST reserves its right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.

All applicants must fulfill requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of submission of application i.e. 26.08.2021. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts as on the last date of submission of application

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 26.08.2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, MGSIPA Complex, Sector-26, adjacent Sacred Heart School, Chandigarh, 160019

For Additional Information

PSCST invites applications for the following Project Manager/ Co-ordinator / Project Scientist /Project Associate-II/ Communicator / Project Assistant –I posts to be filled up on contract basis


  • Government Job Opportunity in Punjab State Council for Science & Technology
  • Monthly Salary Rs. 20000/- to Rs.60,000
  • Job Opportunity for Sciences/ Agricultural Sciences/ Science/ Journalism/Social Science/MSc or Bachelors Degree in Engineering or Technology
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