Monday, March 31, 2025

Paradip Port Sports Council invites Application for the Post of Sports Trainee

Must Read

Paradip is one of the Major Ports of India. Late Biju Patnaik, the then Chief Minister of Odisha, is the founder father of Paradip Port. It is the only Major Port in the State of Odisha situated 210 nautical miles south of Kolkata and 260 nautical miles north of Visakhapatnam on the east coast on the shore of Bay of Bengal.Government of India took over the management of the Port from the Government of Odisha on 1st June 1965. INS “Investigator” had the privilege of maiden berthing in the Port on the 12th March, 1966. The Port was declared open by Late Peter Stambolic, the then Prime Minister of Yugoslavia on the same day.Government of India declared Paradip Port as the Eighth Major Port of India on 18th April 1966 making it the FIRST MAJOR PORT in the East Coast commissioned after independence. 


Paradip Port Sports Council invites application from the promising & willing sports person in the field of sports like Volleyball, Football & Cricket to undergo training as “Sports Trainee” under the training scheme of Paradip Port. The age limit should be between 18 to 26 as on date 01.11.2021

Selection as Sports Trainees shall not confer any right for employment under the Paradip Port Trust on successful completion of the training period.

During training period, the trainees shall represent Paradip Port Trust in any of the tournaments suitable for them. They cannot represent any other Clubs, Organizations and Institutions etc. without prior written permission from the competent authorities of Paradip Port Sports Council.


  • Volleyball, Football & Cricket (Entries would be only for boys)


a) Preference will be given to the applicants who have represented District, Inter School meet, Major Ports, Sub-Junior National, Junior National, Youth National, University.
b) Minimum height of 170 Cms. is a pre-requisite for selection of Volleyball trainees.
c) The period of training shall be for three years subject to review of performance at the end of each year.

Selection of Sports Trainees will be on the Basis of performance test to be conducted by Screening Committee.

The willing candidates should attended with bare minimum kits of their own for exhibiting their skill in the performance test.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

a) All Sports Trainees will be paid stipend of Rs.7500/- per month per trainee.
b) The selected trainees will be provided with required kits by the Port Trust as per requirement

How to Apply

Typed application on plain paper duly signed by the applicant furnishing the Sports Category, Name, Father’s/Guardian’s name, Full address, Nationality, Date of Birth, Educational Qualifications, whether participated in National/ Sub-Junior National/ Junior National/ Major Ports/ copies of certificates along with two passport size photographs to be attached in support of their participation.

The applicant should attach a declaration obtained from his parent/ guardian that they will abide by the rules and regulations stipulated by Paradip Port Trust for participation in the performance test to be conducted for their selection on their own risk. Fully furnished application should reach to the undersigned on or before 06.09.2021 as per following address. Working President, Gopabandhu Kreeda Sansad, Paradip Port Sports Council, Paradip Port Trust, Pin-754142, Tel. No.-06722222076 & Mob. No.-9437317133.
Participants have to carry negative RTPCR report (irrespective of vaccination) without valid RTPCR report players will not be allowed to enter in the stadium. The report should submitted 72 hrs prior to report at Gopabandhu stadium.

The application with all enclosures as mentioned above should reach the Working President, Paradip Port Sports Council within 06.09.2021 and all applicants should attend a performance test for selection to be conducted at 10:00 hrs on 09.09.2021 and 10.09.2021 in Gopabandhu Stadium Complex.

Paradip Port shall not bear any TA & DA for attending the performance test.

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 06.09.2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

Paradip Port Sports Council, Paradip Port Trust,Paradeep, Odisha 754142

For Additional Information

Paradip Port Sports Council invites application from the promising & willing sports person in the field of sports like Volleyball, Football & Cricket to undergo training as “Sports Trainee”


  • Government Job Opportunity in Paradip Port Sports Council
  • Monthly stipend of Rs.7500/- per month
  • Sports Trainee Job Opportunity for willing sports person in the field of sports like Volleyball, Football & Cricket
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