Tuesday, March 25, 2025

NITI Aayog requires the services of a suitable officer for appointment to post of Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) /Lead (Adviser)

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NITI Aayog is developing itself as a state-of-the-art resource centre with the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, provide strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues. It is supported by two attached offices—Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and Development Monitoring and Evaluation Organisation (DMEO)—and an autonomous body, National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD). 


NITI Aayog requires the services of a suitable officer for appointment to 01 post of Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) /Lead (Adviser) in the Human Resources (HR) Area of Flexi pool of NITI Aayog, by Deputation (including short-term contract)/Contract basis. The details are as under:


  • Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) /Lead (Adviser)


Position: Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) /Lead (Adviser)
Masters’ Degree in any discipline or MBBS or Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Passed in Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India) or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Two years).
Desirable Educational Qualification:
Doctorate / Masters / Post Graduate Diploma (Two Years) in Human Resources Management area.

Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) a. (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) with three years regular service in Level—14 in Pay Matrix and b. possessing the educational qualifications and experience as mentioned in above.

Lead (Adviser) a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) with two years regular service in Level—13A in Pay Matrix iii) w ith three years regular service in Level—13 in Pay Matrix and b) possessing the educational qualifications and experience as mentioned above.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) Level and Pay Matrix for Deputation (ISTC) Level-15:Rs. 182200-224100 Consolidated Pay contractual appointment*Rs. 330000/-
  • Lead (Adviser) Level and Pay Matrix for Deputation (ISTC) Level-14: Rs. 144200-218200 Consolidated Pay contractual appointment* Rs. 265000/-

How to Apply

ITie application, along with the following documents, in respect of the candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions and who can be spared for taking up the assignment within one month of the intimation of selection, may be forwarded, through proper channel, in the prescribed proforma (Appendix-I in case of Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) and Appendix-II in case of Lead (Adviser)) duly signed by the candidate and countersigned by the Head of Office or any other officer authorized to sign, to ‘The Under Secretary (Admn.-1A), NITI Aayog, Room No.418, NITI Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001’ within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News. The applications should be sent in an envelope superscribed ‘Application for the post of Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) or Lead (Adviser) (Flexi Pool) in the NITI Aayog’

Candidates who want to apply on Deputation (ISTC)  basis, need to apply through proper channel after filling the proforma (Attached with the vacancy circular) while those who are applying on contract basis, can apply through the link given below. 

Apply Online 

The last date of receiving of applications is 13th December, 2021

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 13th December, 2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

 NITI Aayog, Room No.418, NITI Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001

For Additional Information

 NITI Aayog requires the services of a suitable officer for appointment to 01 post of Senior Lead (Senior Adviser) /Lead (Adviser)


  • Government Job Opportunity in  NITI Aayog
  • Monthly Salary Level-15:Rs. 182200-224100 to Level-14: Rs. 144200-218200
  • Job Opportunity for MBBS or Degree in Engineering or Technology
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