Tuesday, March 25, 2025

National Institute Of Technology, Warangal Telangana Invites Eligible Candidates For Appearing In  Walkin Interviews For Engagement Of Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor)

Must Read

National Institute of Technology, Warangal (Deemed University) , formerly known as Regional Engineering College, was established in 1959. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone for this institute on October 10, 1959, the first in the chain of 30 NITs (formerly known as RECs) in the country.The Institute is well known for its dedicated faculty, staff and the state-of-the art infrastructure conducive to a healthy academic environment.The Institute is constantly striving to achieve higher levels of technical excellence. The Institute offers eight undergraduate programmes (B.Tech.,) in engineering, Twenty nine post graduate programmes (M.Tech., M.Sc., MCA and MBA) in engineering, sciences and management and research programmes in engineering, sciences, humanities, physical education and management.The institute is well-known for its Research and Development, Industrial consultancy, Continuing education and Training programmes for teachers and industrial personnel.


Walkin Interviews For Engagement Of Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor) The National Institute of Technology Warangal, is an Institute of National Importance, governed by the NITSER Act, 2007, and functions under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Government of India. The Institute is looking to hire one Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor) purely on temporary and contract basis, as follows:


  • Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor) 01 Post


Position: Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor)

Essential qualification: Advocate with standing of at least 03 years at the Bar with expertise in dealing with service matters at the Hon’ble High Court/ Central Administrative Tribunal. OR Officers retired from Central/ State Government/ Government bodies not below the rank of Under Secretary to Government of India or equivalent, having at least 03 years’ experience in handling legal matters. Nature of duties : a) Render legal opinion on the issues coming before the Institute b) To assist the Institute for framing para-wise comments/ counter affidavit/ Petition etc. c) To assist and present in the Court at the time of hearing d) To assist the Institute in any policy decision matters as and when required e) Perform such other work of legal nature, as may be entrusted from time to time.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • (i) Consolidated remuneration of Rs.50,000/- per month, for visits not less than 12 in a month. (ii) In case of visits less than 12 in a month, the Institute will consider appropriate remuneration on pro-rata basis. (iii)During official tours, the Consultant will be provided TA/DA as decided by the Institute. (iv)No other perks/ allowances are admissible.

How to Apply

Willing candidates are advised submit their CV accompanied by application/ covering letter through e-mail at [email protected] on or before dt.31.03.2024 Candidates have to bring a set of self-attested photocopies of their eligibility claims along with original certificates, an original identity proof issued by any Government body and two passport size colour photographs, on the day of walkin interview. Details with regard to final date, time and venue of the interview will be placed on the website later. The eligibility will be reckoned as on the date of interview. Candidates are advised to visit the website from time to time.

Important Date

Application Deadline 31.03.2024.

Job Location 🇮🇳

National Institute of Technology, Warangal,  fathimanagar, Telangana 506 004.

For Additional Information

National Institute Of Technology, Warangal Telangana Invites Eligible Candidates For Appearing In  Walkin Interviews For Engagement Of Visiting Consultant (Legal Advisor)


  • Government Job Opportunity in National Institute of Technology Warangal
  • Monthly Salary Consolidated remuneration of Rs.50,000/- per month
  • Job Opportunity for Advocate with standing of at least 03 years at the Bar with expertise in dealing with service matters at the Hon’ble High Court/ Central Administrative Tribunal. OR Officers retired from Central/ State Government/ Government bodies not below the rank of Under Secretary to Government of India

🔖 Post Expires on 31st March 2024

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