Sunday, March 30, 2025

National Council for Teacher Education Vacancy for Deputy Secretary

Must Read


Applications are invited through online mode from eligible officers under the Central/State Governments/ Universities/ Recognized Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings/ Statutory, Semi Govt. or Autonomous organizations for filling up the following Deputy Secretary post


  • Deputy Secretary – Five (05) post


Position: Deputy Secretary

Officers under the Central Govt. or State Govt. or Universities or Recognized Research Institution or Public Sector Undertaking or Statutory, Semi Govt.Autonomous or other organizations.
(a)(i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or
Holding the post of Associate Professor on regular basis in UGC Scale level -11 in the pay matrix (Rs. 67700-208700);
Holding posts in level -11 of the pay matrix (Rs. 67700-208700) or equivalent on regular basis in the parent cadre for five years in the grade rendered after appointment thereto
(b) Possessing
(i) Two years experience in administration or educational administration or finance or legal matters.
(ii) Knowledge of using information and communication technology such as handling of database management system and use of off-line and on-line electronics resources

Preference will be given to candidates possessing following qualification / experience: –
i. Post Graduate Degree in Education
ii. Experience in the project areas of Teacher Eligibility Test, Demand Supply Studies / Institutional and faculty data base development / Curriculum and syllabus design / E-Monitoring / Open and distance (ODL) and E-Resources / Accreditation of institutions or programme / Workshop organisation / Online Education and resources from Central / State Government / PSUs / statutory or semi government or autonomous bodies, educational institutions etc.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Deputy Secretary Scale of Pay – Level -12 in the pay matrix (78800 to 209200 as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix)

How to Apply

The Print out of submitted application duly signed by the applicant alongwith Annual Confidential Reports/APARs for the preceding five years, vigilance clearance, integrity certificate, statement of minor/major penalty, if any, imposed on the officer during the last 10 years and cadre clearance of the applicant, who could be spared in the event of selection may be sent through proper channel to the Deputy Secretary (Administration), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Plot No. G-7, Sector -10, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075.
The last date for receipt of online applications shall be 45 days from the

The printout of online application ( proforma after submission on NCTE
Website i.e., duly signed by the applicant and through Proper Channel should reach within 15 days of online submission along with the documents as asked for. The name of the post applied for may be written in bold letters on the top of the envelope and the biodata.

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline within 45 days

Job Location 🇮🇳

National Council for Teacher Education, G-7, Sector-10, Dwarka, Landmark – Near Metro Station, New Delhi – 110075

For Additional Information

Applications are invited through online mode from eligible officers under the Central/State Governments/ Universities/ Recognized Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings/ Statutory, Semi Govt. or Autonomous organizations for filling up the following Deputy Secretary post


  • Government Job Opportunity in National Council for Teacher Education
  • Monthly Salary Level -12 in the pay matrix (78800 to 209200 as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix)
  • Job Opportunity for Post Graduate Degree in Education
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