Friday, March 28, 2025

National Atmospheric Research Laboratory qualified candidates are invited for Walk-in interview for the following Research scientist and Project Associate temporary positions

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National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) is a center of excellence involved in atmospheric and space sciences research and development of related technologies. NARL desires to recruit for a project work under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) of MoEFCC to conduct “Source Apportionment, Emission Inventory and Carrying Capacity Studies for four Non-Attainment Cities in Andhra Pradesh (Chittoor, Kurnool, Anantapur and Kadapa) funded by APPCB.

Motivated and qualified candidates are invited for Walk-in interview for the following Research scientist (RS) and Project Associate (PA) temporary positions


  • Research scientist (RS)
  • Project Associate (PA)


Position: Research scientist (RS)
❑ Post-Graduate degree in Physics/ Atmospheric Physics/ Chemistry/ Meteorology/ Earth science/ Environmental Sciences or equivalent
❑ 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA or equivalent grade in post-graduate degree. ❑ Minimum of two years of research experience in atmospheric pollution evident by at least one peer-review publication

Position: Project Associate (PA)
❑ Post-Graduate degree in Physics/ Atmospheric Physics/Chemistry/Meteorology/Earth science/ Environmental Sciences or equivalent.
❑ 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA or equivalent grade in post-graduate degree.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Research scientist (RS) Rs.56,100/- per month + Applicable HRA. No other allowances are admissible.
  • Project Associate (PA) Rs.25,000/- per month + Applicable HRA. No other allowances are admissible

How to Apply

Interested and eligible candidates are required to directly come to the venue alongwith the Application (as per prescribed format) & Biodata/ CV and all relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in the Application alongwith a set of self-attested photocopies of the documents and for walk-in interview on the scheduled date and time

Important Date

Research scientist (RS)
Date, Time & Venue of Interview 15.09.2022 (Thursday) @ 09:00 Hrs & NARL Guest House, SVU Campus, Tirupati.
Project Associate (PA) Date, Time & Venue of Interview 16.09.2022 (Friday) @ 09:00 Hrs & NARL Guest House, SVU Campus, Tirupati.

Job Location 🇮🇳

National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, Pakala, Andhra Pradesh 517112

For Additional Information

National Atmospheric Research Laboratory Walk-in interview for the following Research scientist (RS) and Project Associate (PA) temporary positions


  • Government Job Opportunity in National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
  • Monthly Salary Rs.56,100/- per month to Rs.25,000/- per month
  • Job Opportunity for Post-Graduate degree in Physics/ Atmospheric Physics/ Chemistry/ Meteorology/ Earth science/ Environmental Sciences

🔖 Post Expires on 16th September 2022

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