Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology Allahabad Applications Are Invited From Eligible Candidates For The Following Post Of Research Associate-I (On Contract)

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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj (MNNIT) is an Institute with total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits. It was established as one of the seventeen Regional Engineering Colleges of India in the year 1961 as a joint enterprise of Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh, and was an associated college of University of Allahabad, which is the third oldest university in India. For a short duration of two years (2000-2002), the Institute was affiliated to U.P. Technical University. With over 45 years of experience and achievements in the field of technical education, having traversed a long way, on June 26, 2002 MNREC was transformed into National Institute of Technology and Deemed University fully funded by Government of India. With the enactment of National Institutes of Technology Act-2007(29 to 2007), the Institute has been granted the status of institution of national importance w.e.f. 15.08.2007.


Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate-I (On Contract) Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Research Associate-I (on contract) in research project entitled “Plant growth-promoting bacteria as bioinoculants for combating drought stress in long bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis)” sanctioned vide letter no. CRD/2022/000585 dated 23/02/2024 from AISTDF Secretariat, SERB, New Delhi.

Description and Objectives of the Project: The project requires work in the field of plant microbe interaction, NGS data analysis, Computational Biology tools. Previous experience in the plant growth promoting bacterial studies will also be considered suitable. The project requires international visits to the ASEAN collaborators.


  • Research Associate-I (On Contract) 01 Post


Position: Research Associate-I (On Contract)

Essential Qualifications: 1.PhD in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Plant Genomics, Molecular Biology or any relevant discipline suitable to the work proposed in the project. 2.Candidates having M.Tech degree (in above mentioned fields) with minimum three year’s research/teaching experience and at least one publication in Science Citation Indexed journal are also eligible.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Rs. 47,000.00 per month + HRA @ 16 % (or as per Funding agency guidelines) Accommodation may be available as per the availability and the Institute norms. Facility of yearly leave, carryover leave, medical benefits etc may be available as per applicable rules of the project staff.

How to Apply

The duly completed application (soft copy) on prescribed format along with scanned copies of supporting documents must reach to Email ID of Dr. Ashutosh Mani ([email protected]), Department of Biotechnology with the subject of the email as “Application for RA-I (on contract) in SERB Project” on or before 11/04/2024, 5.00 PM (IST).

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 11/04/2024, 5.00 PM (IST).

Job Location 🇮🇳

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj – 211004, U.P INDIA. Telephone No.: 91-0532-2545404, 2545407.

For Additional Information

Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology Allahabad Applications Are Invited From Eligible Candidates For The Following Post Of Research Associate-I (On Contract)


🔖 Post Expires on 11th April 2024

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