Monday, March 10, 2025

Intellectual property in India inviting application for hiring 30 Hearing officers purely on Contract basis in Trade Marks Registry

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The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) is located at Mumbai. The Head Office of the Patent office is at Kolkata and its Branch offices are located at Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai. The Trade Marks registry is at Mumbai and its Branches are located in Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad and New Delhi. The Design Office is located at Kolkata in the Patent Office. The Offices of The Patent Information System (PIS) and National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (NIIPM) are at Nagpur. The Controller General supervises the working of the Patents Act, 1970, as amended, the Designs Act, 2000 and the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and also renders advice to the Government on matters relating to these subjects. In order to protect the Geographical Indications of goods a Geographical Indications Registry has been established in Chennai to administer the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registrationand Protection) Act, 1999 under the CGPDTM.


Intellectual property in India Applications are invited from eligible candidates for hiring as Hearing Officers purely on Contract basis having a consolidated pay of Rs. 90,000/- per month in Trade Mark Registry (TMR). At present, the vacancies for the said contractual Hearing Officers are 30 and office wise tentative vacancies are as follows:

TMR Mumbai: 08, TMR Delhi: 08, TMR Chennai: 05, TMR Ahmedabad: 05 and TMR Kolkata: 04. The selected candidates will be posted at the respective Trade Marks Registries as per requirement.

The period of engagement will be initially for a period of one year subject to satisfactory periodic performance evaluated on quarterly basis. The hiring of hearing officers is purely on contract basis and can be terminated any time without any notice and will not confer any right for regularization, absorption, permanency or continuation beyond the said date.


  • Hearing Officers


Position: Hearing Officers

  1. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Bachelor Degree in Law from recognized university.
  2. EXPERIENCE: Five years’ experience at a BAR of five years’ experience in State Judicial services or Legal Department of a State Government or Central Government or in teaching law in a recognised university. Experience in the processing of applications for registration filed under the Trade Marks
    Act will be given preference.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Hearing Officers Consolidated pay of Rs. 90,000/- per month

How to Apply

The application in the accompanying format must be sent through e-mail to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] by attaching scanned copy of the filled application form along with documents certifying age, educational qualification and experience
including copy of certificate of enrollment as an advocate, in PDF file format. In absence of requisite certificate, candidature of the applicant may be rejected summarily.
MODE OF SELECTION: The selection will be done on the basis of written examination (where the candidates are required to write a decision or an order on the basis of given facts and evidences under the Trade Marks Act, 1999) followed by an interview. The written examination and interview will be conducted at the Trade Marks Registry, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, S. M. Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai – 400 037, Maharashtra.

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 20thJanuary, 2022

Job Location 🇮🇳

TMR Mumbai: 08, TMR Delhi: 08, TMR Chennai: 05, TMR Ahmedabad: 05 and TMR Kolkata: 04.

Ministry of Commerce & Industries, Office of the Controller General Patents, Designs and Trademarks
Boudhik Sampada Bhawan, S. M. Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai,. 400037, Maharashtra

For Additional Information

Notice of inviting application for hiring 30 Hearing officers purely on Contract basis in Trade Marks Registry


  • Government Job Opportunity in Intellectual property in India
  • Monthly Salary Rs.90,000
  • Hearing Officers Job Opportunity for Bachelor Degree in Law
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