Friday, March 28, 2025

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Invites Application For The Post of Research Associate (RA)

Must Read

The Indian School of Mines was formally opened on 9th December 1926, by Lord Irwin, the then Viceroy of India to address the need for trained manpower related to mining activities in the country with disciplines of Mining and Applied Geology. In 1967 it was granted the status of a deemed to be university under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956. Since its establishment, IIT(ISM) has undergone considerable expansion of its activities, and presently it can be considered as a total technology education institute.

Job Description

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Invites Application For The Post of Research Associate (RA). Title of The Project is “Separation and Recovery of Fine Particles from Coal Washery Effluents Using BioCoagulant“.

The job involves the frequent visits of coal washery units for sample collection. Analysis of the collected samples for wastewater quality parameters. The job involves preparation and purification of bio-coagulants for recovering the coal fines from effluent samples. The work is envisioned for the development and deployment of prototype in field conditions. The project also involves compilation of data, writing research articles, and preparation of project report.


Research Associate (RA) – 1 Post


Essential Qualification: Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Engineering/Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering having active work experience in water and wastewater treatment with at least two papers (as first or corresponding author) in Journals of repute or SCI/SCIE.
M. Tech/ ME in Environmental Science and Engg/ Chemical Engineering or Equivalent with at least three years of active work experience in water and wastewater treatment and should have at least one research paper in SCI/SCIE journal.
Desirable Qualification: Knowledge and hands-on experience in sampling and characterization of wastewater samples. Prior experience in the area of coagulants extraction, purification and their application. Adequate knowledge of coagulation related experiments in wastewater. Prior experience in prototype development for field application is a plus point

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

    • Research Associate (RA) – Rs. 47,000/- per month +16% HRA= 54520/-per month

How to Apply

The interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria must fill the google form ( along with complete CV and all other documents such as mark sheet, testimonials etc. latest by 17/03/2023. Candidates will be short listed based on their merit and as per the requirements of the project. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated to appear for interview preferably through online mode. Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee an invitation to the interview. All candidates should make their own arrangements for their stay at Dhanbad, if required. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview. In case of any problems related to the filling of the application form, please contact at [email protected]

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline : 17-03-2023

Job Location 🇮🇳

Indian Institute of Technology
(Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
Dhanbad- 826004, Jharkhand, India

For Additional Information

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Invites Application For The Post of Research Associate (RA)


🔖 Post Expires on 17th March 2023

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