Thursday, March 27, 2025

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) Recruitment of Full-time Legal Consultant on contractual basis

Must Read

The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) is a society registered under Act XXI of 1860 and the corresponding State Act viz. the West Bengal State Registration Act 1961, with its headquarters at 2A & B, Raja S. C. Mallick Road, Calcutta – 700 032, West Bengal, India. It has a Governing Council with a number of members elected or nominated and the Registrar as its Non-Member Secretary. The Council has the functions, duties and power as envisaged in the Memorandum and Bye Laws and as per the provisions of the relevant Act. The Institute is run by the Governing Council, which is the apex policy making body. The Director is the chief executive officer of the Institute and runs the business of the Association under the supervision of the Council.


Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) desires to appoint one full-time Legal Consultant
on purely temporary and contractual basis initially for a period of one year only.
The contract may be extended further depending on the requirement of the Institute.
The terms and conditions of appointment will be as under:-


  • Legal Consultant


Legal Consultant

i) Possessing Master’s Degree/Bachelor’s Degree in Law from a recognized University or Institute in India.
ii) Retired government officials having experience in dealing with legal matters or legal professionals.
iii) Having an experience of at least 5 (five) years of handling court cases in Govt. of India offices/autonomous bodies administered by Govt. of India for retired government officials.
iv) For legal professionals a minimum of five years of post-qualification experience is essential.
v) Must have good written and oral communication as well as interpersonal skills.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

A consolidated and fixed salary of up to Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 70,000/- for 5-days-in-a week/month or pro rata thereof, depending on qualification and experience will be offered. For retired government officials the remuneration will be fixed after deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may apply with their complete bio-data along with testimonials/supporting documents to the undersigned at the following address latest by December 11, 2024 April 10, 2025 in a closed envelope superscripted clearly “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF FULL TIME LEGAL CONSULTANT”to Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science 2A & B, Raja S C Mullick Road Jadavpur, Kolkata – 700032. Applications may also be sent electronically at the e-mail id: [email protected]

Important Date

Application Deadline April 10, 2025

Job Location 🇮🇳

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS)
2A & B Raja S C Mullick Road,Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, INDIA Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 33 2473 4971 / 5374 / 3073 / 3372 / 5904 / 3542 +91 33 2473 2883. Fax: +91 33 2473 2805.

For Additional Information

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) desires to appoint one full-time Legal Consultant on purely temporary and contractual basis


🔖 Post Expires on 10th April 2025

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