Friday, March 28, 2025

IIT Palakkad IHub Foundation Advertisement for Doctoral Fellowship Grant

Must Read

Established in 2015, the Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad is dedicated to creating an environment that enables students and faculty to engage in the pursuit of knowledge, to dream, think and innovate thereby becoming a change agent for a better world. Beginning with a humble student strength of 120 way back in July 2015, IIT Palakkad has now groomed itself into an establishment which is 1000 students strong with the best of manpower in its key positions. IIT Palakkad targets to become a multi-disciplinary institution with a population of 5000 students in 10 years. IIT Palakkad recognizes collective growth, in collaboration with industry and other academic institutions, as the need of the time and emphasizes blue-sky research and directed research as two essential pillars of technology development. IIT Palakkad embraces a vision to be a leader in cross-disciplinary inquiries which is embodied in the tagline of the institute “Nurturing minds for a better world”.


IIT Palakkad has established IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF) to facilitate the Technology Innovation Hub on Intelligent Collaborative Systems (TIH-ICS), setup at IIT Palakkad by NM-ICPS. TIH-ICS, through IPTIF, plans to attract potential and harness expertise available nationwide, thus fostering research innovation, world class technology and product development. IPTIF also plans to build linkages with research institutes and labs within and outside India. One of the primary goals of this company is to work in close collaboration with industry to deliver commercial technology and products, and build a vibrant innovation ecosystem by providing a reliable platform for technology-based start-ups and entrepreneurs

About the fellowship IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF) (hereinafter the Company) would like to financially support faculty to guide Ph. D. scholars working under their guidance, in the broad area of Intelligent Collaborative System (ICS), enrolled at their institute via a doctoral fellowship grant. ICS includes a combination of the CPS building blocks such as modelling-analysis- control, device, networks, security, robotics, data and simulation.


  • Doctoral Fellowship


● Applicants should hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R&D institution in India with at least 5 years of service remaining. The term “Regular” refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned post or in a tenure post, but are likely to be renewed after the end of the tenure.
● Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in Science / Mathematics / Engineering.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Doctoral Fellowship The fellowship amount per month is INR 31,000 + HRA (as applicable) for the first 2 years, and INR 35000 + HRA (as applicable) for the next 3 years

How to Apply

  • Only full-time regular Ph.D. students enrolled at the applicant’s institute on or before 31December 2021 can avail the fellowship.
  • The maximum duration of the fellowship will be 4 years. The Company can extend the fellowship by an additional year on a case-by-case basis.
  • Detailed terms and conditions will be enumerated in the fellowship grant letter

Application process Interested faculty/research guides can apply by visiting the following Google form on or before 25 June 2021.
Apply at
Selected applicants will be informed through email about further procedure.
For any queries, please write to [email protected]

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 25 June 2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation,
Regd. Office: 31, Kanjikkode West, Nila Campus, Palakkad, Kerala – 678623

For Additional Information

IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF) would like to financially support faculties to guide Ph. D. scholars working under their guidance, in the broad area of Intelligent Collaborative System (ICS). For more details please refer the advertisement here.

IIT Palakkad has established IIT Palakkad Technology IHub Foundation (IPTIF) Invites Application for the Position of Doctoral Fellowship


  • Doctoral Fellowship in IIT Palakkad
  • Fellowship amount INR 31,000 to INR 35,000
  • Doctoral Fellowship Ph.D. degree in Science / Mathematics / Engineering Science / Mathematics / Engineering

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