Thursday, March 27, 2025

CSIR – Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology invites Application for the various following Scientific and Technical Posts

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The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), known for its cutting edge R&D knowledgebase in diverse S&T areas, is a contemporary R&D organization. Having pan-India presence, CSIR has a dynamic network of 38 national laboratories, 39 outreach centres, 3 Innovation Complexes and 5 units.Situated among pristine environ in the lap of Dhauladhar ranges, CSIR-IHBT is the only laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in the State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), India. Institute has a focused research mandate on bioresources for catalyzing bioeconomy in a sustainable manner.

The CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur is one of the National Institutes under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research which is an autonomous body working under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is spread over 226.1 acres of land with the backdrop of snow-covered peaks of Dhauladhar Range in salubrious climate. The Institute is engaged in research and technology development programmes with a mission to discover, develop and commercialize processes and products from Himalayan Bioresources using cutting edge science and technology. This Institute has successfully carried out mission-oriented projects on medicinal and aromatic plants, tea, temperate floriculture and is well equipped for Tissue culture and Biotechnology.


Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Institute Of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR–IHBT) Online applications are invited from the eligible citizens of India as per CSIR Scientists Recruitment & Assessment Promotion Rules 2001 and CSIR Service Rules 1994, as amended from time to time, on the prescribed proforma which are available on the website of this Institute i.e. for the under mentioned Scientific and Technical Posts in CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur (H.P.).


  • Scientist
  • Senior Medical Officer
  • Technical Assistant


1.MBBS with 55% marks with 3 years of relevant experience. OR MBBS with MD or equivalent from a recognized medical college/university.
2. 1 st Class B.Sc. (Science) with one year full time professional qualification or one year experience in relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/ Organization.

Post Code: SCT-2001: Scientist in the area of Tea Chemistry (01-Post-UR)
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) in Science/Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Sciences
with thesis in the area of product formulation and development in Tea.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in the area of Tea Chemistry/Tea Processing/Tea-based product.
Post Code:SCT-2002: Scientist in the area of Traditional Knowledge (01 Post-reserved for SC) :
Essential Qualifications: M.Pharma/MD (Ayurveda) or Ph.D. (submitted) (Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic Pharma Sciences) from a recognized Institute or University and candidates should have permanent registration in State Board/Council of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in medicinal plants based ayurvedic formulation.
Post Code: SCT-2003 : Scientist in the area of Phytochemistry (01 post-reserved for OBC)
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) in Phytochemistry/ Natural Product Chemistry/ Chemistry/Chemical Sciences/ Phytochemistry with thesis in the area of phytochemical characterization/value added product development/aromatics product diversification.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in phytochemical characterization/ value added product development.
Post Code:SCT-2004: Scientist in the area of Fungus/Mushroom (01 post-reserved for Divyangjan HH/OH)].
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) in Microbiology/ Plant Pathology/ Agriculture/ Life Science/ Biological Science with thesis in the area of characterization and cultivation of high value mushroom/ bioprospecting fungus for value added product development.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in cultivation of high value mushroom(s)/ fungus, their bioprospection and value added product development.
Post Code:SCT-2005 : Scientist in the area of Food Technology (01 post-reserved for OBC)
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) or M.E/M.Tech. in Food Science & Technology/ Food Technology/ Food Engineering & Technology/Food & Nutrition/Biological Science with thesis in the area of novel food product development/ functional foods/ dairy food products/ beverages.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in formulation and processing of instant, ready to eat and fortified food products based on fruits/ vegetables/ cereals/ legumes/medicinal and aromatic plants/ functional foods/ dairy food products/ beverages.
Post Code: SCT-2006 : Scientist in the area of Plant Tissue Culture (01 post-UR)
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) in Plant Science/Life Science/Biological /Botany/Plant Biotechnology with thesis in the area of Plant Tissue Culture.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in development of in vitro plant regeneration protocols with large scale micro-propagation of plants including hardening and field transfer.
Post Code : SCT-2007: Scientist in the area of Plantation & Farm Management (1 postreserved for SC).
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) in Agriculture/ Agronomy/Horticulture/ Forestry/ Crop management.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in plantation and farm management of the commercially important crops such as tea/ horticulture/ medicinal crops/ aromatic crops.
Post Code: SCT-2008: Scientist in the area of Material Chemistry (01 post-reserved for EWS)
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (submitted) or M.E/M.Tech. in Material Chemistry/Material Science/Chemical Science/ Chemical Engineering/ Material Engineering with thesis in the area of biomaterials and their value addition.
Desirable Qualifications: Experience in structures and properties of materials and biomaterials/ lignin/cellulose/ development of value added product for textile/ biopolymer/ biomedical applications/industrial application.
Post Code: SCT-2009: Scientist in the area of Scientific Communication (01 postreserved for OBC) [backlog].
Essential Qualifications: M.E./ M.Tech./ M.Vet.Sci./ MD OR Ph.D.(submitted) in Science / Science and Technology Communication.
Desirable Qualifications:
I. Degree/Diploma in Science Communication
II. Exceptional Science writing and communication skills in both Hindi and English languages.
III. Working experience in Scientific/academic/media organization in the field of Social/ Rural Development/ science communication Programme/activities.
Post Code: SCT-2010: Scientist in the area of Mass Communication (01 post-reserved for OBC) [backlog].
Essential Qualifications: M.E. /M.Tech. / M.Vet.Sci./ MD OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Journalism/ Mass Communication.
Desirable Qualifications:
i) Degree/Diploma in Mass Communication/Journalism/Science Writing/Film Production.
ii) Aptitude for original science writing for mass media. Proficiency in organization, writing and communication skills (Hindi and English).
Post wise information regarding, minimum qualifications, desirable qualifications, experience and job requirement in respect of Technical Posts ‘B’ is as under :-
Post Code : MO-2011 : Sr. Medical Officer(2) (01-Post- UR).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: MBBS with 55% marks with 3 years of experience
and registered with the Medical Council of India.
MBBS with MD or equivalent and registered with the Medical Council of India
Desirable Qualifications: MD (Medicine) from a recognized University/Institute registered under MCI, with three years of clinical experience from a recognized Institute/Hospital.
Job Requirement: The incumbent shall attend general duty of Medical Officer in CSIR-IHBT, Dispensary for the purpose of medical facility to CSIR employees and pensioners and also
manage other activities/facilities in the Dispensary. The incumbent is also required to attend the
patients in emergency outside routine office hours for staff and their family members residing at CSIR-IHBT, campus as well as outside the colony as and when necessary and any other official work as and when assigned by the authorities.
Post Code : TA-2012: Technical Assistant in the area of Field/Plantation Crops (01-Postreserved for EWS).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class any branch of Agriculture/ Horticulture with one year full time professional qualification or one year experience in growing of field/plantation crops including layout of field experiments/trials, data observation and crop management from a recognized Institute/Organization.
Job Requirement : Assisting Scientist in the area of Field/Plantation Crops.
Post Code: TA-2013: Technical Assistant in the area of Biotechnology (01-Post-reserved for OBC).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class B.Sc.(Sci.) in Biotechnology with one year full time professional qualification or one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
Desirable Qualifications: Working experience in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/ Microbiology (Virology)/Biochemistry/Plant Molecular Biology/Plant Biotechnology.
Job Requirement : To assist in on-going R&D programs of Plant Molecular Biology/Plant Biotechnology.
Post Code: TA-2014 : Technical Assistant in the area of Computer Science/IT (Software Designing) (01-Post-reserved for Divyangjan (HH/OH)].
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class Diploma in Engineering/Technology of at least 3 years full time duration or at least 2 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses or its equivalent with experience of 02 years in IT environment providing IT
enabled applications/programming including database management knowledge & skills.
Desirable Qualifications:
Working knowledge of web development technologies (Both frontend and backend) like HTML/ CSS, Java Script, CMS(Word Press, Joomla, Drupal etc.), PHP, Java, NET, publishing web site, Testing/Debugging, SEO, experience of Database Design in MySQL, SQL Server etc.
Job Requirement : To carry out IT/website management/software and web designer/Server and Databases/Institute related work.
Post Code: TA-2015 : Technical Assistant in the area of Business Development (01-PostUR).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class B.Sc. in Biology/Agriculture/Agriculture economics/Agri-business management with one year full time professional qualification or one year experience in relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
Desirable Qualifications: Working experience in the area of Agri-business management/ Technology Management/Technology transfer etc.
Job Requirement: Assisting in collection of Lab’s R&D information and innovations for useful Technologies for commercial purposes.
Post Code : TA-2016 : Technical Assistant in the area of Plant Science (01-Post-reserved for OBC).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class B.Sc. in Botany with one year full time professional qualification or one year experience in relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
Job Requirement: To assist Scientists in the research area of plant sciences, handling of various instruments and other lab/field work.
Post Code : TA-2017 : Technical Assistant in the area of Food Science/Food Technology /Food Processing (01-Post-UR).
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 1st Class B.Sc. in Food Science/Food Technology/Food Science & Technology/Food Processing Technology with one year full time professional qualification or one-year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/
Organization OR 1st class Diploma in Engg./Tech. of 3 years full time duration in Food Science/ Food Technology/Food Science & Technology/Food Processing Technology or at least 2 years
full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses or its equivalent with experience of 2 years in relevant area/field.
Desirable Qualifications: Working experience in mass production of food processing in R&D Institution/Commercial Concern.
Job Requirement : Development of novel food prototypes/dietary supplements/nutraceuticals/ processed food products.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Scientist Pay Matrix Level 11 Total emoluments(Approx.) Rs.92,000/-
  • Senior Medical Officer Pay Matrix Level 11 Total emoluments(Approx.) Rs.1,08,000/- Including NPA
  • Technical Assistant Pay Matrix Level 06 Total emoluments(Approx.) Rs.49,000/

How to Apply

a. Eligible candidates are required to apply online only through our website
b. If the candidate does not have a valid e.mail ID, he/she should create a new valid e mail ID before applying online.
c. Online Application will be available on our website during 14.08.2021 to 13.09.2021 upto 11:59 P.M.
d. Before applying online, the candidates are advised to read the instructions for online application carefully.
e. Last date for online submission of application is 13.09.2021 upto 11:59 P.M

After submission of application through online mode, it is mandatory to all the candidates to get its print and send the same alongwith attested copies of the relevant educational qualifications, experience and testimonials etc. by post/by hand to the Director, CSIRInstitute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur, Distt.: Kangra (H.P.)- 176 061 immediately and should reach in this office on or before 27.09. 2021 at 5:00 P.M. The online applications of the candidates will not be considered, if he/she failed to submit its print (hard copy) alongwith requisite documents with in the stipulated date and time to the address as mentioned above.

Important Date

Date of commencement of online applications : 14.08.2021
Last Date of submission of online applications : 13.09.2021
Last Date of receipt of hard copy of the application : 27.09.2021

Job Location 🇮🇳

Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Institute Of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR–IHBT), NH 20, Holta, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh 176061

For Additional Information

Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Institute Of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR–IHBT) Online applications are invited from the eligible citizens of India for Scientific and Technical Posts in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.) (Advertisement No. 2/2020)


  • Government Job Opportunity in Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Institute Of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR–IHBT)
  • Monthly Salary Rs.49,000 to Rs.1,08,000
  • Job Opportunity for Biology/Agriculture/Agriculture economics/Agri-business management/Journalism/ Mass Communication/Science / Science and Technology/Engineering/Microbiology/ Plant Pathology/ Agriculture/ Life Science/ Biological Science
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