Friday, February 21, 2025

Anna University Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the temporary posts of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Technical Assistant (UG)-II

Must Read

Anna University was established on 4th September, 1978 as a unitary type of University. This University was named after Late Dr.C.N.Annadurai, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Applied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society. Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities. The University was formed by bringing together and integrating four well known technical institutions in the city of Madras (now Chennai) namely,
College of Engineering (CEG) (Established in 1794)
Alagappa College of Technology (ACT) (Established in 1944)
Madras Institute of Technology (MIT) (Established in 1949)
School of Architecture & Planning (SAP) (Established in 1957)


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the temporary posts of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Technical Assistant (UG)-II to be engaged in the thematic area “Development of Energy Efficient Motor Drive System for Electric Vehicle (PO2)” under RUSA 2.0 at Anna University, Chennai – 600025.


  • Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Technical Assistant (UG)-II


Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Essential: UG: First class B.E/B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. PG: First class M.E/M.Tech in Power Electronics and Drives / Electrical Drives and Control.

Technical Assistant (UG)-II Essential: UG: First class B.E/B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Rs. 32,500/-(Consolidated)
  • Technical Assistant (UG)-II Rs. 200/- per hour (Restricted to a maximum of 100 Hours/ month)

How to Apply

Interested candidates possessing required qualification and expertise may send both their hard and soft copy of the filled-in application form (as per Annexure – II) to the following address and Email ids [email protected] , [email protected].

The Head of the Department, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25.

Applicants are requested to send their application form along with the self-attested photocopies related to their educational qualification, date of birth, Mark sheets, Experience certificates and evidence of any other academic credentials on or before 04.11.2024 . While sending the application, kindly mention in the top of the cover as “Application for the post of JRF & TA (UG)- II – RUSA2.0 / AU” “Post code PO2-1/PO2-2”.

Important Date

Application Deadline on or before 04.11.2024

Job Location 🇮🇳

Anna University, Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 025.

For Additional Information

Anna University, Chennai Tamil Nadu Applications Are Invited From Eligible Candidates For The Following Post Of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Technical Assistant (UG)-II


🔖 Post Expires on 04th November 2024

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