Monday, March 31, 2025

Anna University Applications are Invited from the eligible candidates for the Temporary Posts of Junior Research Fellow(JRF)

Must Read

Anna University was established on 4th September, 1978 as a unitary type of University. This University was named after Late Dr.C.N.Annadurai, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Applied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society. Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities. The University was formed by bringing together and integrating four well known technical institutions in the city of Madras (now Chennai) namely,
College of Engineering (CEG) (Established in 1794)
Alagappa College of Technology (ACT) (Established in 1944)
Madras Institute of Technology (MIT) (Established in 1949)
School of Architecture & Planning (SAP) (Established in 1957)


Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow Position to work in the National Board for Higher Mathematics, DAE, Govt. of India sponsored project.Title of the Project : “Geometric formality of Flag Manifolds, Complex K-ring and Topological complexity of Oriented Flag manifolds” (The broad area of the project is algebraic topology. The project is about studying certain topological properties/ computing topological in variants of flag manifolds).


Junior Research Fellow


Essential qualification: M.Sc (Mathematics)/M.Sc (Applied Mathematics)/M.Sc 5-year integrated Mathematics or equivalent with minimum 55% / M.Phil in Mathematics with 55% in aggregate. The candidate should have a strong motivation, commitment and passion to work in the project area.

Desirable: A strong background in algebra and topology is preferred, which is required to pick up the basics for the project. It will be advantageous if the candidate has done a course in algebraic topology in M.Sc/M.Phil degree program. Qualification in CSIR/UGC /GATE/NET is desirable.

Initial appointment for one year, which is extendable to three years,
based only on the performance.

Mandatory: According to NBHM rules for Research Projects Grants, the selected JRF must register for a PhD degree in Anna University as per the eligibility criteria.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

Rs 37,000/-p.m.+ HRA as per rules for the first two years and
Rs. 42,000/- p.m. + HRA as per rules, for the third year.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may send their filled in application in the format given below with self-attested copies of mark sheets, degree certificates and other relevant documents by post, directly to the undersigned. Also the scanned copy of the application with all the above documents as one file (.pdf format), may be sent to

[email protected] with a Cc to [email protected].

Important Date

Application Deadline 09th December 2023 by 5.30 pm

Job Location 🇮🇳

Dr. Vimala Ramani
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
College of Engineering , Guindy
Anna University, Chennai 600025.

For Additional Information

Anna University Applications are invited for JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW Position to work in the National Board for Higher Mathematics, DAE, Govt. of India


🔖 Post Expires on 9th December 2023

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