Monday, March 31, 2025

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Advertisement for Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Geophysical/Geodynamic Study of Seismicity in Subduction Zones

Must Read

IIT Gandhinagar offers a unique undergraduate and graduate education experience in India with unmatched innovations in curriculum. We take pride in our student-centric philosophy resulting in a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for students. The institute promotes critical thinking and an appreciation of the interdisciplinary character of knowledge, with an emphasis on the liberal arts, project oriented learning, compulsory courses in design and the life sciences, diversity and globalization. IIT Gandhinagar was founded in 2008 and is located in Palaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the banks of river Sabarmati. IITGN is rated India’s first 5-star GRIHA LD (Green) campus for minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The campus has been declared India’s first 5-star campus for ensuring food safety and promoting healthy eating.


A one-year Postdoctoral Fellow position with Dr Utsav Mannu, Discipline of Earth Sciences, is available. The candidate is expected to conduct a geophysical/geodynamic study of seismicity in subduction zones. The post-doctoral fellow will be required to design and conduct numerical geodynamic/ statistical modelling / Seismological investigation of earthquake occurrence in subduction zones.

The candidate would try to find a Spatio-temporal correlation in seismicity with geological processes active in subduction zones. Additionally, The candidate will have ample opportunity to learn and implement numerical geodynamic modelling that can be used to produce earthquake cycles. The candidate is expected to be able to work independently and mentor PhD students.


  • Post doctoral Fellow- 1 Post


  • PhD in Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Mechanical/Civil Engineering, or extensive experience in statistics or finite-difference/finite element modelling or seismic hazard analysis is desired. Candidates who have submitted their thesis in the mentioned fields are equally eligible.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Post doctoral Fellow – ₹ 50,000 + ₹10000 (HRA)

How to Apply

  • The candidate should email the following documents in a single pdf file (with the subject“PD_2023_[Name ofthe applicant]”) :
  • Application for the position (Cover Letter). Please apply by email only, and use the pdf format, and the file should contain a scanned signature.
  • CV including the list of publications.
  • A short research statement (not more than two pages).
  • 1 letter of recommendation. Letter of Reference should be sent to [email protected]
  • A PhD. Degree (a formal confirmation of a PhD degree or expected graduation date in case the candidate is still waiting for the degree).

Important Date

Application Deadline 25th May 2023

Job Location 🇮🇳

Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gujarat 382355

For Additional Information

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Advertisement for Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Geophysical/Geodynamic Study of Seismicity in Subduction Zones


🔖 Post Expires on 25th May 2023

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