Monday, March 31, 2025

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology Applications are invited for the following post of Multitasking Laboratory Technician and Radio Jokey Recruitment

Must Read

The Government of West Bengal set up an expert committee on December 31, 1998, under the Chairmanship of Ashesh Prasad Mitra, Eminent Scientist to explore the necessity and scope for establishment of an Engineering / Technology University in the stste of West Bengal.The University came into operation formally with the assumption of the office of the first Vice Chancellor on January 15, 2001 as a sequel to the promulgation of THE WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2001, under West Bengal Act XV of 2000 passed by the West Bengal Legislature. The University started its academic programme, from July 16, 2001 following a Notification from the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal dated June 15, 2001 through the affiliation of Engineering and Management Institutions / Colleges and has entered the eighth year of its functioning. The University is included in Section 2F and also in Section 12B of UGC and recipient of UGC Grant.


Applications are invited for appointment (i) Multitasking Laboratory Technician (on Contract) in the Department of Food Science, MAKAUT, WB and (ii) Radio Jokey in English (on Contract) for community Radio, MAKAUT, WB with the following eligibility criteria as stated below:


  • Multitasking Laboratory Technician (on Contract) in the Department of Food Science, MAKAUT, WB
  • Radio Jokey in English (on Contract) for community Radio, MAKAUT, WB


(i) Multitasking Laboratory Technician (on Contract) in the Department of Food Science, MAKAUT, WB
Eligibility & Experience:
Diploma in Food Science/Technology or Bachelor Degree in Food Science/Technology with minimum 5 years’ working experience in Food Quality Lab/Food Processing Lab/Research Lab along with good skills in Instruments and Machineries (Food Processing) handling.
(ii) Radio Jokey in English (on Contract) for community Radio, MAKAUT, WB
Graduate in any stream from a recognized University.
Essential Requirements:
☛ The post is reserved for female candidates only;
☛ Convent Education background must;
☛ Should be very fluent in English;
☛ Local applicants will be preferred.
☛ To host different Radio program;
☛ Interviewing different speakers.

Minimum Monthly Remuneration

  • Contract Basis as per Norms

How to Apply

Candidates are requested to apply online in prescribed Format and upload their detailed Bio-data with all academic and administrative credentials, etc.
For online applying for the above post, please visit website:

Important dates:

  1. Date of Publication of Notice: 21/12/2022
  2. Last date of Receipt of Application: 10/01/2023

Important Date

Application Submission Deadline 10/01/2023

Job Location 🇮🇳

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Main Campus: NH 12, Haringhata, Post Office-Simhat, Police Station-Haringhata, Pin – 741249, Kolkata, West Bengal
City Campus: BF-142, Sector -I, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700 064, West Bengal

For Additional Information

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Multitasking Laboratory Technician and Radio Jokey in English (on Contract)


🔖 Post Expires on 10th January 2023

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