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Online Short-Term Course on Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence organized by Center for Continuing Education NIT Warangal

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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL Center for Continuing Education & Department of Computer Science & Engg Online Short-Term Course on Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence 24th October 2022-28th October 2022

About Center for Continuing Education

The Center for Continuing Education NIT Warangal organizes FDPs/Training programmes/Seminars/Workshops etc., in the frontier areas of Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Humanities, Social Science and Socially relevant themes on selffinancing basis in three different modes: (i) At NIT Warangal (ii)At NIT Warangal in collaboration with other organizations/ Engineering Colleges / Institutes iii) By NIT Warangal Faculty at the Host Organization/Institut

Topics to be Covered

Introduction: Getting Started, Keywords and Identifiers, Python
Operators, Python Namespace, Python I/O and import,
Statements & Comments, Python Variables, Python Datatypes,
Python Type Conversion,
Python Flow Control: Python if…else, Python for Loop, Python
while Loop Python break and continue, Python Pass
Python Functions: Python Functions, Function Argument,
Python Recursion Anonymous Function, Global, Local and
Nonlocal,Python Global Keyword,Python Modules,Python Package.
Python Files: Python File Operation, Python Directory, Python
Exception, Python Exception Handling, Python User-defined
Python Object & Class:- Python OOP,Python Class, Python
Inheritance, Python Operator Overloading.
Python Advanced Topics:-Python Iterator, Python Generator,
Python Closure, Python Decorators, Python Property, Python Rag
Ex,Python Example.
Softwares: Jupiter Notebooks, Anaconda, Tensor flow,
Packages: Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib.
Artificial Learning: Artificial Narrow Intelligence, Artificial General
Intelligence, Artificial super Intelligence, Challenges and opportunities in Artificial Intelligence.
90% Seassion will be Hands on/Practical’s

Who can Apply?

The Programme is open to all Faculty/Research Scholars/
Industry Professionals M.Tech/MCA/MBA/Engineering/Degree
Polytechnic and other eligible students can register the course

Registration Fee

Faculty: 500 (Five hundred only).
Industry Professionals: 1000 ( Thousand only).
Foreigners: – 50 USD.

How to Apply

◆ Candidate should submit an online application by clicking the Apply Online. Participants need to fill up the online application form by using the link given below with all the required details.

Interested candidates can apply online by clicking below link
Participants details need to be filled and payment details
uploaded by using above link in Google Forms on or before 23rd
October 2022.
Registration Deadline: 23rd October 2022

Confirmation mails will be sent two days before the
Programme. Once Paid/Registered your are Confirmed.
The interested individuals may register on the FCFS basis the
seats are limited to 300 only.
E-Certificate: Participants will get e-certificate upon
completion of the STC course.
Address for Correspondence
Dr. Raju Bhukya
Associate Professor,
Incharge CCE & Coordinator,
Department of CSE,NIT Warangal,
Mobile: 9700553922, 8332969733.
Email :[email protected],[email protected] .
Any Further queries, please contact the Coordinator

Important Date

  • Last date for registration is 23rd October 2022
  • Event date 24th October 2022-28th October 2022

For Additional Information

Online Short-Term Course on Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence organized by NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL Center for Continuing Education & Department of Computer Science & Engg

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

National Institute of Technology
Warangal – 506004
Telangana, India


  • Online Short-Term Course Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology Warangal
  • Learn About Advanced Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence
  • Online Short-Term Course for The program is open to the faculty of engineering colleges, MCA colleges and other allied disciplines

🔖 Post Expires on 23rd October 2022

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