Friday, March 28, 2025

Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, New Delhi in association with Sikh Human Development Foundation, U.S.A. (SHDF) invites Applications for Scholarships

Must Read

Bhai Ghanaiya Ji is the true model of Team Nishkam. The founders of Nishkam, its team members, volunteers, and staff function as caretakers of public money and Daswandh of the Sangat.

The affairs of the Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council are administered by the Managing Committee through a governing body, elected for a period of 3 years. The Managing committee constitutes founder members, office bearers and co-opted members.The November 1984 happenings in the country accelerated the setting up of Nishkam. The emphasis of the Council has always been on making the people self-supporting by providing vocational, medical, and educational assistance. Initially, due to limited resources, the assistance was mainly provided to the affected families.


Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, New Delhi in association with Sikh Human Development Foundation, U.S.A. (SHDF) invites Applications for Scholarships from regular students studying in recognized Colleges and
Universities for Professional Degree/Diploma Courses.


For detailed instructions, eligibility criteria, Application Form and its attachments, please visit our web site

These scholarships are available only for pursuing professional diploma, degree or postgraduate courses in a recognized institution/University in India. The term professional course includes, (but is not limited to), engineering, architecture, information technology, computer science, medical, nursing, pharmacology, home science, education, business management, agriculture, animal husbandry and the like. Students appeared in Class X & XII Examination (Academic year 2019-20) can also apply and take the Written Test and Interview, but the scholarship will be granted, if found eligible, only on getting admission for a professional course in recognized Institute

(i) The applicant must have obtained at least 60% marks in the previous two examinations.
(ii) The gross family income of the applicant must not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum.
(iii) The applicant must maintain an active e-mail account for correspondence with Nishkam. He/she must mention a Mobile
and alternative telephone number for easy communication

Scholarships Amount

◆ (Up to Rs. 33,000 per year per student)

How to Apply

Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, New Delhi in association with Sikh Human Development Foundation, U.S.A. (SHDF) invites Applications for Scholarships from regular students studying in recognized Colleges and
Universities for Professional Degree/Diploma Courses. Students who have appeared in Class X & XII Examination in March 2021 and want to pursue Diploma/Degree Courses during 2021‐22 can also apply for this scholarship. Duly filled‐in Application Form along‐with attachment must reach at Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, Nishkam Bhawan, B‐Block, Tilak Vihar, New Delhi – 110018 by post or scanned copy through email latest by 30/09/2021.

Eligible students will be required to maintain a workable email‐ID. They are also required to appear in a written test in Punjabi and General Knowledge (Details to be notified on web‐site). Students who qualify
the written test will be required to appear in Interview.
For any other query, please contact at 011‐ 28333842/28334477 or send e‐mail to [email protected]

Completed Application Form with all Enclosures should be sent to “Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, Nishkam Bhawan, B-Block, Tilak Vihar, New Delhi-110018” by speed/registered post or courier marking, “SHDF
Scholarships- 2021” on the top of the envelope containing application and must reach Nishkam Office latest by 30th September, 2021 (1700 Hrs.). Applications received after the last date will be summarily rejected.

Roll No. will be assigned by Nishkam to each shortlisted applicant which is always to be used alongwith your contact number while communicating with Nishkam

Important Date

  • Last Date for Submission of Scholarship Application Form is September, 30, 2021

For Additional Information

Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council In Association With Sikh Human Development Foundation, USA SHDF SCHOLARSHIPS 2021 (FOR NEW APPLICANTS)

Advertisement for inviting Application Forms for SHDF Scholarships 2021-22

Scholarship Application Form for Renewal Cases – 2021-22

Scholarship Application Form for New Cases – 2021-22

Organizer Information 🇮🇳

Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.)
Nishkam Bhavan, B-Block, Tilak Vihar,
New Delhi-110018,


  • SHDF Scholarships – 2021 by Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council In Association With Sikh Human Development Foundation, USA
  • SHDF Scholarships – 2021 Up to Rs. 33,000/‐ per year per student
  • SHDF Scholarships – 2021 for For Students pursuing Professional Courses

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